Thursday, March 21, 2013

Summertime Blues....

Summer 2012, the only thing that was blue was the sky, most of the time....

Andy and Zach played Machine pitch and Tee-Ball and then it was summer.

Mom, Dad and Braden came up for my baby shower the first weekend of June.

We also went to see Reptile Gardens…

Wayne and I celebrated 7 years of marriage!!

Wayne's Uncle Karl got married at Custer State Park.... Jenn & I took the pictures, it was fun!!!


We had a great 4th of July as always. Mark and Jenn and the girls came over for that….

Idid the Rodeo Run for my first 5K.....

We hit the carnival......

Then it was our Nebraska trip over my birthday week. I will post that seperate as we do soooo much.

We also got back into camping this summer and did quite a bit of it…..

I will do a seperate post for that too.

Then it was Rally Time. I spent all my birthday money on tickets and a sitter for The Zac Brown Band concert at the Chip. It was a blast!!! I tried alligator and frog legs for the first time from a Southern vender and seen many fellow teachers and ex-students parking cars. We carpooled with another teacher couple. It was a great time and I hope to be able to do it every year.


alligator & frog legs

After Rally, summer pretty much comes to an end and school starts.