Saturday, April 26, 2014

Final #s of the 24 Day Challenge last month....

I had a lot going on and never did get this posted, but I want to move on to a series on my Philly trip, so before I do that, here are the final numbers from my 1st Advocare 24 Day Challenge......

Still have work to do, but it's a start. 

Final #s lost: 8

I also forgot to take about a week’s worth of supplements which is HUGE. If I had taken them, I gaurentee I would have been in the 10-12lb range. As it is, I am saving them for after my next cleanse phase in May/June.

Final inches lost: no clue,
Wayne never did measure again for me. Noticeable amount though.

Final clothes sizes lost: 2

I can comfortably wear my jeans and I can get into my dress pants again….I’m not going to say those were ever or will ever be comfortable….they’re Dress Pants!!!

Did I think it was “worth it”?

The question I have been asked so many times along with 
“did it work”?

These questions go hand in hand….obviously it worked. I lost weight, inches and clothes sizes. I also had my cravings reset and formed new habits. I had more energy and felt less BLAH. This is exactly what I went into it for.


I had a sluggish period mid morning and mid afternoon where I was just lethargic, groggy and unfocused. I also was ready to go to bed by 8:30 every night. When doing the challenge, I overcame the sluggish periods and was able to go longer through the day and get more done. It’s been a month since taking the supplements and I can feel myself slipping back to where I was energy wise. I finally ordered and received some spark and can’t wait to get back to drinking it every day.

I used to drink tons of milk a day, a pop a day, and craved things like chocolate, cream cheese products and comfort foods high in carbs and fat. Now I rarely drink milk (I get enough calcium), I don’t have to have comfort foods every meal and actually crave raw veggies and instead of chocolate, fruit for my sweet tooth.

I have been working for over a year to get back to running instead of walking. On the challenge I started a running regiment that works for me. It was the push I was looking for. I’m working up to running longer and farther verse walking parts. It feels amazing and has been a long time coming.

I have been approached with many weight loss solutions and diet plans. I have tried a few throughout my pregnancies and after. I also struggle with diabetes and polycystic ovary syndrome, which are a deadly combination for a hell of a battle with weight, especially around the middle. Many are restrictive, don’t allow for the protein I need to maintain my blood sugar and most leave my feeling starved and unsatisfied. I can honestly say, any time you try any of these, that will likely happen for a few days but if you can make it through those days with Advocare, it provides you with a portion guide and suggested food list that is not terribly restrictive and meets dietary needs.

It was also not terribly exspensive. I’ve seen quite a few 10 day challenges or cleanses or whatever name they claim, which are far more pricey and more restrictive. I am not one who will ever entirely replace a meal with a beverage. I like my food, I need my food, I WANT my food. I can rock the right foods and the right portions, but I have to have food. The 24 days were less expensive than I’ve seen many 10 day challenges as well. I was able to purchase a 24 Day Challenge, an additional 10 day cleanse and a huge canister of Spark for less than what a friend paid for her 10 day challenge with another product that she could not finish because it was nearly all drinks no food. So, yes, again, I feel like this was the best option out there.

Now to stop sounding like an infomercial testimonial, I will quit trying to sell you on this product line. That’s not my intension here anyway. I am just sharing my story to hold myself accountable.  ( I kind of like my storyJ  )