Friday, April 8, 2011

The Apple Does not fall far from the Tree....

Quotes of the Week:

"Can we just have a few toys like AJ's house?" Zach

Luke with his "medicine juice"
OPC from Market America
"Don Talkta Me!" Luke

"I wanna watch Mommy's show with the girl who had a baby in her tummy, but doesn't have a baby in her tummy anymore and goes to school with those kids...." (Secret Life) Andy

Daddy showing us how to core an
apple right after Mommy failed at it
(go to Kitchen blog for full story)
"You better pick those toys up Luke, Mommy will put them in the box, then they don't come out again and people take them at the garage sale." Andy

"Lukie can you be quieter, you are giving me a brain headache" Zach

"Puppy at my HOUSE!!!!" Luke, "No we aren't going to go get a puppy from your house, your mom and dad will be back soon then you can."  Tracy. "NO, PUPPY at my HOUSE!!!!" Luke. "No you can play here you don't need your puppies." Tracy. Luke.....walks over grabs Tracy's face between his hands and turns her head, "no, puppy at my HOUSE!". "oh, there is a dog at your house!" Tracy. (Neighbor's dog that needs shot was pooping in our yard.) "I'll get it, bahahaha" Justin.


This week we have had quite a few things go on. We have been trying to decide whether or not we want to buy out another preschool in town. It was offered to us and is very tempting with a building down town and some returning clients. We are unsure though as it is a huge gamble with expenses and whatnot. We will be continuing with that decision through the next week.

Andy went out to Sioux Falls with Grandpa and Grandma Tonsager this past weekend as they plan to take each of the boys for a weekend of spoiling individually. He sure did come back spoiled rotten. It was a glimpse of what some of you out there with shared custody of children must go through when your children are returned to you after a weekend. He sure enjoyed it though. He came back with a new haircut, new shoes, all sorts of goodies and he got to eat at McDonald's TWO TIMES!!!! He truly was spoiled.

We are signing the boys up for teeball again this year....let the fun begin. Wayne had hoped to coach again as well but driver's ed won't allow for that. Though its paycheck might make up for it ;-)

I have also been working on my photography website and have gotten a majority of it up and running. All except the good part....the pictures! By pictures I mean portfolios of past work. When I do sessions I will have password protected archives for customers to view and order. I still have a few from Holdrege of Braden, Gage and our boys to edit, then add signatures to before they are up. You are welcome to check it out at :

Wayne building shoe shelves for the garage.
Spring cleaning is underway. We have been attempting to downsize in preparation for a garage sale June 4th. There are boxes in our garage we still haven't opened since we moved in a year and a half ago!

ANDY LOVES DOING MATH FOR FUN! The APPLE sure didn't FALL far from the TREE there!

ZACH is becoming very proficient with his computer skills.

LUKIE loves his cars and trucks, especially Lighting McQueen and Chuck Trucks.

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