Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Back to School 2012....

    Back to School  2012….

    Andy is 7 years old, is 4 foot tall and weighs 81lbs. He wears size 8 pants, size 10/12 shirts and size 4 shoes. He is starting 2nd Grade with Mrs. LaBau. Our neighbors Lane and Lexi are both in his class along with some friends from Kindergarten and 1st grade. He is into anything gamer, his iPod, the Wii, Legos, Bakugon and Beyblades. He is into chapter books including Magic TreeHouse with Jack and Annie, Fly Guy, and Diary of a Whimpy Kid. He can add, subtract and do basic multiplication. He loves science and is pretty knowledgeable in age appropriate social studies. We are very proud of him.

    Zach is 5 years old, weighs 42 pounds and is 3.5 feet tall. He wears size 4 slim pants, size 6 shirts and size 13 shoes. He is starting KINDERGARTEN!!! He is in the Blue Door with Mrs. Goodwin. He has a couple friends in his class too, Kailey Nowowiejski, Owen Schreader, and a new friend, Isaac Voyles. He also talks about “Box-tin” (Bostin) and Ian a lot. He loves sharks, snakes, alligators, crocodiles, dinosaurs and trains. He knows all his preschool skills and can sound out a couple simple words, do simple addition and loves science. He is an expert on reptiles, especially dinosaurs and snakes. He also can name most sharks and prehistoric animals. He chooses documentaries over cartoons and has a very unique personality. He still carries his ornery streak and likes to compete. We can’t wait to see what his future holds.

    Luke has been recovering from his “bump surgery” and has socially regressed quite a bit as a result. He was registered for preschool with Miss Rebecca but we pulled him out while we were still unsure what the pathology results had in store allowing her to call someone on her waiting list and giving us more time to wait and see. He was happy to get another year of preschool with Mom at Lil’ Broncs. He is very home bodied and very happy when preschoolers his age come to play. We went to an early intervention screening when Luke was three and a half to see how he was doing and if he qualified for speech. He tested at age 6 in all areas except articulation. He is incredibly smart. It was very reassuring that we were doing things right and making progress. He will get a year of out of home preschool and daycare next year to catch him up on social skills then he will be off to kindergarten.

    Jakers was 3 months old when the boys started school. He is such a happy, fun loving and flexible baby, he went with flow when the schedule changed. At this time he rolls both directions, scoots in an inchworm fashion, enough to get off his playmat, and is ready to try some baby cereal. Sweetest. Baby. Ever.

    Wayne is starting his 4th year of teaching. He gave up his planning period this year when the district decided to integrate Driver’s Ed as an elective at the Middle School for ALL 8th graders. This means Wayne drives from the high school to the middle school for 8th period to teach the classroom portion, then drives for a couple hours every day after school to ensure all 90 some kids get 6 hours of drive time each. He also decided to do stats for football instead of Lineman Coach and once again put in his resignation for high school wrestling. He is going to coach middle school wrestling and AAU in order to concentrate on our boys’ wrestling. We are happy with this J

    I am re-opening Lil’ Broncs Learning Center and have a few kids already! One of my friends from Sorority is bringing her just turned one-year-old twins, I can’t wait!! It looks like I will have mainly toddlers this year and very few preschoolers. I am also working with the TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) department. All the families I get are short term and part time, but it feels good to be working with an at risk population again. I am also very happy to get my year at home with Jake. This is something I have aspired to for years and will finally get to enjoy this year. I would love to stay home with him until Preschool or Kindergarten, however, the economy is not in a place to allow finances to support this, so I will savor every second of this upcoming year.


Monday, April 22, 2013

December Snow

In December we finally had enough snow to break out the snow blower. It wasn't a blizzard by any means but it was fun to look at and play in.

October snow.....

We haven't had a real good snow in a couple of years, which is really sad for us as we are used to a couple good blizzards a year. The past year there was huge drought and not really any precipitation of an kind. The year before that all the precipitation waited until May an d. This year we had an okay snow in October, a couple throughout the winter, then it got warm for a while, then spring hit and BAM its been snowing for 3 weeks including a decent blizzard with a couple feet of snow. Today we have 6" on the ground and it has continued to snow all day.

Our first snow day of the year in October...

It was still pretty warm out though so the snow melted quickly....