Sunday, April 21, 2013

Science Project Sunday!!!! National Geographic Volcanic Eruption Kit

My little future scientists are always so eager to get their hands messy and experiment and create. Andy is constantly on his class webpage checking out the linked science projects. He will persistently ask over and over again until I find all the ingredients to make one every weekend, so today I declared:

"Let's make one day a week where we can find and perform ONE science experiment. Since it is Sunday and we haven't done one yet this week, we will do it today and forever more there will be 'Science Project Sundays'!"

The boys were ecstatic. Wayne added Borax to our Sam's Club order and a new concept was born!
I have to admit, I remember doing many of them and love doing them again while watching the wonder on their faces.

After the boys were determined to do a baking soda and vinegar volcano with Grandpa and Grandma Tonsager the week Jake was born, Grandma and Grandpa decided to get them some National Geographic science kits from Who's Hobby in Rapid for Christmas. We have been so busy since Christmas that we keep putting off doing them. Today for our first Science Experiment Sunday, we decided to break one out.

We went with Andy's "Volcanoes and Earthquakes" kit. It had some neat information in it and some great diagrams. The experiment itself was not just your simple "poor in some baking soda then some food color and vinegar", it was actually fairly elaborate.

It came with a fold and tape globe that has the volcanoes of the world marked on it. That is now hanging from our dining room chandelier.

The kit suggested we wear gloves and eyewear, so we did.....

A little stirring......

A little mixing......

A mad chemist.......

....and then an eruption!!!!!!!

First science experiment.....SUCCESS!!!!!!

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