Thursday, May 9, 2013

I miss the man at the top of the jungle gym.

This ThrowBack Thursday I find myself wishing for days of old where intentions were honored and words spoken held true and accountable. People in positions of authority were those who were worthy of respect because they had proven themselves so. Where individuals were considered for their determination and perseverance in proving they were worth what they strived for.

I have been recently shown once again that these attributes and illusions are things of the past. These days its all about politics and quotas. Things spoken are simply spoken in order to get through the next hoop, no matter who that harms or how it hangs. Proving your worth no longer earns you merit or equality, however, if you have a chance to step on someone for personal gain, by all means take that chance, because that is the essence of today's society, "look out for number one", "look in the box, not at the entire picture", "new and shiny", "bandwagons are always right", "truth is meaningless in the face of leadership".

I miss the man at the top of the jungle gym. That was a good man, worth his weight in honor and respect. He was all that was true and fair and honest. They don't make them like you anymore Grandpa. The profession has changed and with it, the people. I am loosing faith and hope in an occupation that quite possibly needs it the most.

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