Sunday, June 9, 2013

Autumn in the Air..... 2012

 Once school started, life got that other kind of busy again. There’s summer busy, then there’s school busy, then there’s wrestling busy. Those are the 3 categories our life can be divided into.

With two boys in school and two boys at home in my preschool and with Wayne and I keeping new work schedules, we tried to take more weekend time off…… this never does seem to work out, rather we remain pretty busy the whole way through with company coming here, us going visiting or to events.

In August we…..

Watched Luke take off on his bike without training wheels!!! The bikes had shifted in the garage one day while we were out and when I pulled the van back in or out, whichever, my back wheel caught Luke’s little bike breaking the training wheels and popping the back tire. We pulled the training wheels all the way off.

Luke got tired of waiting for us to fix it, so when his brothers went down the street on their bikes one day, he hopped on his too, flat tire and training wheel-less. Wayne just happened to walk out the door and see it and yelled for me to get my camera. There he went, no help, no one showed him, he just did it, 3 1/2 years old. And that there is Luke, extremely independent, tough and motivated. I was sad I wasn’t the one who taught him, as I had taught Andy and Zach, but I did catch his first ride on camera so that was good enough to me. It was incredibly impressive...

We went to some football games…..

Then there was BHSU’s Homecoming……

We went to the Wildlife Sanctuary’s Family Day…….

We welcomed home our local troops from Afghanistan, the 842nd…..

Our old neighbors and friends the Sorcics

We celebrated Luke’s 4th Birthday……

He chose Avengers theme, see the full post HERE.

We also processed our garden and canned lots of salsa, some jam and some pickles!!!

We did our annual Canyons Run…..

Wayne’s Grandma & Grandpa came out from Salem to stay at a hotel with us…..

Jake turned 4 months old and started taking baths in the big boy tub…..

In October we…….

Had our Belle homecoming….

Some delinquent neighbor kids started a fire behind our principal’s house across the street…

It burnt right up to some house’s back porches. Raba was out there spraying his fence down with water, which saved it from catching fire.

We had our annual PINK OUT football game where Lukie got to release balloons for being a cancer survivor. See the full post on that HERE.

We celebrated Zach’s 6th birthday at The Lodge in Deadwood with a SHARK theme. See the full post HERE.

There were some Husker Games....

We got our first snow in October. There are a few more pictures of that on THIS POST

We also had our 4th Murder Mystery party which was Roaring 20’s themed, “Murder at the Juice Joint”….

Then there was my Lil’ Broncs Spooky Kooky Party…..

Our Pumpkins.....

Then Halloween!!!!! This year the boys were Phineas, Frankenstien with his located Brain from the Phineas and Ferb theme song, Ferb & Perry the Platypus…..

We went to our church’s carnival and did the Air Force housing loop and a couple of friends’ houses….

Andy got his special trick-or-treat bag from his buddy “Grandpa Sherm”….

Then it was November and Thanksgiving & Black Friday…

This year Gayle & I met Jenn in Rapid at the new WalMart, which was very nice. We went all night as usual and found pretty much everything on our lists plus some, of course!!! 

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