Monday, July 22, 2013

A Look Back at Jake's Pregnancy & 1st Year

September 23rd, 2011

As I am trying to get ready to go to the parent's night Bronc football game, I get a wave of exhaustion. At first I didn't notice, then next thing I know I am asleep on a pile of laundry I was looking through!! I then immediately needed to know if my suspicions were true. I took a test....

...and then I text a picture of it to Wayne right then. 

October 14th, 2011

7 week ultrasound with Dr. Mike Christiansen. All parts accounted for, little heart beating in the 140's-150's.  We've been here before and gotten our hopes up just to be disappointed and hurt. I love that little image on the screen though and already I'm hooked so I ask for a picture, tempting fate.

Week of October 31st, 2011  

10-11 weeks ultrasound appointment. This is the dreaded appointment we haven't made it past in the past couple pregnancies. The one where the screen pops on and there's no longer a flicker. I am sick with worry the entire way and in the waiting room. I still feel pregnant, but I did the last times too. It's too early for me to count on anything else. I pray the gazillianth time. They call my name, we go back to the room. Dr. Christiansen comes in and turns on the UTS. I hold my breath...... then there's you!! bouncing and waving and to my eyes, smiling. There's a flicker and a thumping and it's in perfect rythem. There's arrms and legs and a cord. Everything is there and it's all perfect. Big sigh of relief and suddenly I'm showered in expecting gifts. More appointments are made. We go celebrate. We are having a BABY!!!! 

ETA: May 21st, 2012

November 2011

Weeks 11-14. Morning sickness is bad. I suck on Preggie Pop drops and drink ginger ale. I don't mind because then I know you are alive and growing.  At some point this month I get the flu. Yikes, that sucks. It scared me that it would harm you so I listen avidly for your heart beat on my home monitor and I find it for the first time at 13 weeks right after the flu!! Sweetest sound EVER! Despite my pure exhaustion, I do an up all night Black Friday shopping with Tracy and meet up with Grandma, Jenn & Rhonda for early morning breakfast. We dip in the hot tub before taking one of many naps. We keep the temp on the hot tub low and frequent it. You are growing well and appointments go great, tests come back great, all is great.


Root Beer, Strawberry limeade slushes, tortillas with cream cheese and pickles dipped in salsa, anything with cream cheese and anything SPICY.


Condiments, including my favorite Kraft Cesar and especially mustard. Deer roast and mashed potatoes aren't my favorites right now either.

December 2011

Weeks 15-19. I am sooooo crabby!! I am a little bit mean. I feel bad so I get pet crabs one day after snapping at Andy before school. I was forgiven. I have a little more energy and am on a mission to move Luke into a new bedroom downstairs and move my office to a new space behind the fake wall. I havea few daycare kiddos and keep them busy too.  Two weeks before Christmas Fifths Disease goers around the elementary school. This is that one that causes miscarriages and birth defects. The BAD one that presents like a cold then proceeds to look like a slapped face and rash on forearms. Andy gets it first, then Luke and Zach. I start to show symptoms and immediately call Dr Mike's office. He is precautionary and puts me on bed rest for a week. The remaining daycare kiddos either bail or I place in friends' daycares. It was both sad and relieving. Christmas comes and all is well again.

January 10th, 2012

20 week ultrasound appointment. Dr. Mike (Christiansen) looks slower and older but is very sweet and talkative. He and Wayne talk wrestling (used to wrestle his son). He starts up his in room ultrasound before our big anatomy ultrasound because HE wants to be the one to tell us your gender. After much searching and stalling, Wayne finally blurts out "Is that a nutsack I see?" Dr. Mike whips his head around with a big smirk and says "yes, yes it is". He said he thought at first girl, but it was just the cord with chambers in the way. Personally I think he was just letting it sink in slowly to me that there would be 4 boys, no girls. I can't help but feel excited either way. You are healthy. Dad is glowing and gloating. We meet Tracy & Bev for lunch and have them a take a picture of your UTS picture and a blue ribbon on my belly. My phone dies with so many texts and Facebook notifications before I can get it posted. I charge it during lunch then text Grandma Walker and post it on Facebook. Everyone is baffled. 4 boys!!!!! We buy blue balloons and fill a box then film the boys opening it and their reactions. Wayne still refuses to talk names. 

February 2012

Dr. Mike's nurse calls, Dr. Mike has had a stroke! He is at a recovery center in AZ. We have been assigned a new DR!!!!!! Of course no mommy likes a new baby dr halfway through a pregnancy and Dr  Mike set the bar extremely high and knew my troubles and triumphs. The Dr I was given wasn't bad and I have stuck with him, but he is VERY different than Dr Mike. He doesn't do any more ultrasounds, he takes a more non shilant approach to my diabetes, my prolapses, my edema and my weakened immune system that allows me to get every disease that comes my way. I am disappointed.

March 2013

I fail my glucose test big time at 26 weeks (told ya so). I am stating to feel so close but so far away from my due date. We begin to make preparations. We fix and paint the nursery and start to fill it up with caterpillars & baby stuff.

April 2013

34 weeks we do a maternity photo shoot. I lay out all the shots and props I want taken and have Tracy take the pictures. They turn out GREAT!!!

The boys get shirts and fabic markers in their easter baskets to make big brother shirts...

We pick out fleece and make baby blankets. We have made a tradition of this by letting the big brothers pick out the fleece and help make the blankets.

36 weeks we go to our annual Tonsager reunion at Watiki and eat many spicy meals. I have some great contractions that feel very progressive. Just as I'm ready to throw in the towel and go get checked, they stop. Turns out they were progressive. I get to 2cm dilated.

May 4th my swelling is bad. I not told "bed rest" but rather, put your feet up more and more and more. Since he does not use the words "Bed rest" and I am miserable, I keep moving, keep walking. My usual path is 3.5 miles long. I have contractions every 3 minutes for 1-2 hours, then they stop. I get to 4 cm dilated but my water never breaks.

May 14th, my 38 week appointment (he changed my due date somehow to May 26th from the 21st, I think he miscalculated), 39 weeks if you ask me. This is the longest I have ever been pregnant and I have retained so much fluid, its gross and scary. Wayne drives me to my appointment. Hospital bag has been in the van since 36 weeks. As has the carseat. We ride an hour in the car and walk 20 yards to the waiting room. I sit for 3 more minutes and my name is called. I walk 20 more yards to the room. The nurse takes my blood pressure and makes a small gasp noise and says she will have me sit 15 minutes then check it again (that's all I have done today is sit, sit sit, pretty sure you have the right number there). She comes back and rechecks and gets a slightly smaller number she is happier with. We discuss my symptoms of hypertension. I am sent home with an induction notice for the 22nd. I am to call at 7am and IF they have room I can come in. (But I might get there and they no longer have room and I get sent home). I am falling apart, I feel sick, I am frustrated, I hadn't gained any wait until the past 2 weeks and in that 2 weeks I gain 15lbs!!!
We go nursing bra shopping at Motherhood, then go get some stuff at Sam's Club.....

May 15th, I sleep in until 10am. Zach and Luke play nicely and let me sleep. I wake up and my eyes are nearly swollen shut, I feel nauseous and it seems the baby isn't moving as much. I call and leave a frantic message on nurse Lindy's voice-mail. She calls back and tells me to come in at 1pm to get my blood pressure rechecked and if I need to go to the ER before then, do so. I HATE THE ER, that won't be happening. I call Wayne at school, he leaves. I text Minna and she agrees to take the boys. I cancel my plans for a prenatal massage (still have never had a massage). Wayne calls Ken & Gayle to come up. We take off for Rapid thinking we will probably be sent back home, but the way I feel, it is probably a good idea to get rechecked. We stop at the Sturgis Burger King drive through on the way. This may finish me off. My blood pressure is insane at the clinic. The baby's heart rate is down a little. Dr Tony comes through and says he doesn't like it. He is calling the hospital for a bed and if they don't have a bed, they will monitor me at the clinic and if it doesn't get better, they will make the hospital find a bed for me. The hospital has a bed.

May 15th 2pm we walk through the hospital doors. We check in and are met at admissions with a wheel chair and an old lady who wheels me through the hospital telling people to let us in the elevator fist we are an emergency, and let us off first we are an emergency and get out of our way we are an emergency. It was way cute and comical and I try to hide my smirks.
She wheels us through the ER entrance where we go through payments and more admissions procedures. Then I WALK to the maternity ward.

3pm I am hooked up to pitocin. I suddenly realize what's going on and go through a bit of a shock period. They just admitted me as an emergency induction and the baby is coming, now. I have hypertension and they baby's heart-rate is slowly dropping. I fight fear and numbness. Wayne suddenly decides it is NOW a good time to pick a name!!!! I am in shock!!! I just pull up my list on my phone and toss it to him. He wanted to pick anyway. I am in no state at the moment and want to wait until he is out, but nope, Wayne wants to do it RIGHT NOW. Okay then.

He immediately says no to my entire top 5 list.I really wanted Kayne (Kandi + Wayne). I also like Tristan, Jonah, Liam, Ramsey, Brennan & Grayden. He wants Mathew. I say I think it is too close to Maddie (our niece) as I know we will call him Matty. So Wayne looks down the list...

Aaron. Abel, Aiden, Avery, Addison, Asher, Ashton, Alexander, Bridger, Cutis, Clayton, Camden, Cody, Dayne, Eli, Elijah, Eden, Emmet, Emerson, Ezekiel, Ezra, Grayson, Hadley, Isaac, Isaiah, Jackson, Jaxon, Jacob, Julian, Jeremiah, Joshua, Josiah, Jude, Jesse, Kash, Kayde, Karsen, Kasen, Landon, Lennon, Lincoln, Linden, Micah, Michael, Maddox, Nathaniel, Nehemiah, Nolan, Owen, Oden, Preston, Paityn, Pason, Quinten, Quincey, Quillen, Rhett, Reece, Raith, Rhittney, Rheiker, Reidar, Roman, Schuylar, Shey, Shawn, Shayne, Samuel, Seth, Silas, Simeon, Tobias, Tayte, Tyson, Titus, Thayne, Theron, Torren, Tevin, Thorston, Vance, William, Wayde, Willard, Weston, Wesley

I also had some girl names picked out just in case they were wrong. We had only seen him that ONE time.
I wanted an "A" girl name to go with Andy. My top picks were Abigayle, Aubrielle, Allianna, Annaleece, Aleecia, Avery, Annika, Ashtyn, Addison, Addilynn, and Elizabeth would be passed on in any way, first or middle.

Wayne throws out Jacob? I said sure, that was my number one a couple of pregnancies ago. Then he says Jacob Mathew? or Jacob Michael? I say whichever, your pick. He decides on Jacob Michael.

Ironically this was also one of three combinations my best friend had in 2003. Jacob Allen, Jacob Michael or Michael Allen. She went with Michael Allen.

We don't tell anyone your name until after you are born a few hours later. Not for a lack of Tracy and my mom begging and Sonya guessing.

7pm May 15th, Dr Tony breaks my water, still at 4cm and still have regular contractions but haven't gained much of anything in the past 4 hours on Pitocin. They have been doubling the dose every hour and I think I must be about maxed out. I'm not even really uncomfortable and I don't do epidurals. I don't do any pain meds until transitioning. Wayne and I play a game of cribbage for as long as I can concentrate and we are uninterrupted. Our room has an incredibly noisy are duct and my alarm on my IV keeps beeping. I'm tying to keep my cool.

9:10pm May 15th I feel very uncomfortable all of a sudden. When the nurse comes in I ask her to check me saying I feel like I'm transitioning   (Active labor: Your cervix begins to dilate more rapidly, and contractions are longer, stronger, and closer together. People often refer to the last part of active labor as transition.  She asks if I want an epidural. I tell her I've never had one, but I might consider it depending on how far along I am. If I'm past an 8 I know I won't need one, it won't be long. She checks and I'm only at a 6-7. I agree to a dose of Demurral or something like that. I've never had it either. I had one shot of Stateall for each Andy and Luke and a couple shots of it for Zach. She goes to get that and says she will see where the anesthesiologist is in case I decide I want an epidural. Apparently woman are showing up in droves and it's getting pretty busy, all beds are full.

9:59 The nurse finally comes back. She says that the anesthesiologist is in a C-section. I say that's fine, but PLEASE check me again, I'm seriously uncomfortable and there is a lot of pressure. She says I'm at a strong 8 and begins to frantically get the room ready & page people.

10:05pm, Dr. Tony arrives and asks me to push through next contraction. For some reason I ignore him entirely and he just kind of stares at me then asks me again. This time I snap to it and push. He notices Jake is "Sunny Side Up" (no wonder there was so much pain and pressure all of a sudden). The next contraction I he turns him (somehow) while I push. Then a third contraction I push him out, head and all, one incredibly long contaction.

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