Tuesday, August 6, 2013

I know what we're going to do today!! Andy's 8th Birthday....

Andrew Edwin
January 20th
6lbs 14.5oz  20"

A look back at Andy's 7th year....

Andy's Birthday Breakfast....

We always do a special birthday breakfast on real birthdays. They get chocolate chip pancakes and ONE present from us. This year Andy opened Grandpa and Grandma Walker's gifts then too. We got him the AppGear which is a game you can play with your iPod. It was fun to play at first but hasn't been played with since. :( We also gave him Phineas and Ferb the Second Dimension as his big gift. 

This year Andy's birthday was on a Sunday. We went to a college wrestling tournament hosted at BHSU. It was between UW & SDSU. It was pretty neat. Afterward we went out to eat at Guadalajara Mexican Restaurant where they sing you a happy birthday song in Spanish while you wear a HUGE sombrero & get fried ice cream!!!!

Andy's Cookie Cake I didn't have time to make for his party, so I made for his real Bday.

For Andy's 8th Birthday he decided (possibly power of suggestion) on a Phineus & Ferb Party at the house. He got to choose between lots of friends, short party or a couple of friends and a sleepover. He chose a couple friends for a sleepover, but then he ended up inviting more friends at school who were to just stay for the party, which of course the beans are spilt and you end up with a large sleepover every time.

The invites.....

Simple & Short Free Template

The plans....

   We decided to do Andy's Birthday Party on a Thursday night since we had our first wrestling tournament on Saturday morning, therefore, a Friday night might not be such a great idea. We had some kids ride the bus to the Middle School and ride home with Andy. They arrived at 4pm!!! They got to play Wii in the bedroom for a while. A couple more kids from his class and a couple of family friends came closer to 5pm. We started by serving supper, then the cake (I know, I like to be backwards if it fits MY agenda better). Then we played games and opened presents, then played more games. 

The food....

We served bbq sandwiches, chips, dip and veggies. Then ate cake. 

The cake.....

I ran out of time to make the cake I was going to make for Andy's birthday  I was going to do a cookie cake with Phineas and Ferb, Perry & Dr. D all on it, but the cake mix ended up quicker and easier. It is a very rough rendition of Perry the Platypus. Andy was not impressed, I don't blame him. I made his cookie cake on his real birthday for him. Some of the kids thought it looked cool (brown nosers). It has to be my least impressive cake to date. BUT, they did have cake. 

The games.....

"You're So Busted..."

Materials: balloons & tattoos or small favors
Object: Children sit in a circle with ballons in the middle. When you say, "go", children grab a balloon and sit, stomp, squeeze, ect to pop their balloon/s until gone. (Make sure to have them clean up pieces).

"Find Perry"

Materials: Perry the Platypus party favors, favor bags
Object: Hide favors around room, house, yard, ect. Know how many favors you have and how many kids you have first. Once determined, tell children how many favors they can find. On your count, send them off to "find Perry" favors. Have them return to their spot or chair when they get their designated amount.

"I Know What We Are Going to do Today....."

Materials: Legos, Lego Base Plates, Scrap Paper
Instructions: Children each get a base plate at their seat. Lego buckets are placed throughout the middle of the tables. 
First have each child draw (out of a hat or bucket) one of the scrraps of paper with a color on it. Next, set a timer for 2 minutes. Tell the children they have until the timer goes off to collect as many legos of their color as they can and pile them on their base plate. When the timer goes off, make sure evryone stops. Have them organize their legos next to their base plates. Tell the children you will set the timer again for 5 minutes. They are to make an "invention" like Phineas and Ferb on their base plate using only the Legos they have in their pile. When the timer goes off, have everyone stop. Tell them you will now go around the table and have them tell about their inventions. Be sure to snap a picture of each!


Materials: Open Ended Materials, such as empty and washed sour cream, butter, creamer containers, jars, leftover plastic silverware, toiletpaper and paper towel tubes, empty tape rolls, ect. Pretty much anything you would normally throw away that they could possibly build with. I also sat out tape, glue and a package of googly eyes.
Instructions: Set boxes of open ended materials around a table as well as the glue and tape. Allow children to go nuts creating inventions. Snap pictures and have them tell each other about their inventions.

This was the activity I saved for last. I was glad I did!! They LOVED IT!!! They built, took apart and rebuilt for over 2 hours!! Many saved their inventions to take home. 

The presents....

The crowd....

The sleepover.....

Ryan, Lane, Blake, Andy, Devin

Zach, Luke & Isaac

The budget....

As always the goal is $150 including food, entertainment, decor, cake, favors & gift.

I printed the invites from a free template onto cardstock, which I always keep on hand $0
I also printed some paper activities as a backup if needed (weren't needed)  $0
"Find Perry" were commercial bought Perry the Platypus party favor packs from WalMart that Andy really wanted. They were expensive comparatively. They were about $4.50 each and I got 2 of them: $9
I also had 2 packs of Phineas & Ferb pen neckolaces at a dollar each $2
"You're so Busted" game was a package of tattoos inside of blown up balloons. $2.50
"I know what we're going to do today" Lego inventions were all materials on hand (legos, base plates & scrap paper) $0
"Inators" were open ended materials such as toilet tubes, containers from sour cream and butter, ect. leftover utensils, pretty much anything that looked like a cleanable piece of trash. I did purchase a pack of google eyes to glue on (and of course glue and tape-on hand) $1
Cake, frosting, BBQ pulled pork, buns, chips, juice $15
Andy's Gift from Mom & Dad: Phineas & Ferb: The 2nd Dimension Wii Game $15
Birthday Breakfast Choc Chip Pancakes & Gift on actual Bday: Phineas & Ferb art set, Alien AppGear $12
Total: $56.50, Well under budget.


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