Sunday, January 26, 2014

Gage's Spongebob Birthday

My nephew Gage's birthday is right around Father's Day, right around Swedish Days, my hometown's summer/heritage festival, our family reunion and the time of year I try to get down to Holdrege every year. Knowing this, I asked my sister if she was planning to throw him a party this year. I didn't want to double book and wanted the boys to able to go. She said he wanted a SpongeBob party and asked if I would want to help her plan and throw the party.
.....ummm, yes! I love party planning and hosting!!!!

So I began by asking what kind of things she wanted for him to have as decorations, what kind of food she planned to serve, the age and number of kids invited, and if she preferred indoor or outdoor activities. Once we got this hammered out I dove right in....

The plan was mostly outdoors for the party. This allowed for more opportunity to do water play which was perfect as SpongeBob lives UNDER the sea and his friends are all water creatures. 

We started with a SpongeBob tattoo station.....

Then each kiddo got a sponge Spongebob and  apiece of sidewalk chalk to draw and "erase" with.....

They loved it. It was simple and cheap.

Then we went net fishing for sea friends.....

Followed by "Fishing Over the Docks" for prizes....

The last activity was "Jelly Bopping" with SpongeBob paddles.....

Again, simple, cheap fun that lasted quite a while. 

For the food, the plan was hotdogs and hamburgers, or as I referred to them, "Sea Dogs" & "Crabby Patties". There was also salads and chips, punch, or "Sea Water" and cake....

Gage's Grandma Melonie gets cakes from a lady she knows who does really good work. They are always super cute.....

Last but not least, there were presents!!!!!

Happy 4th Birthday Gagers!!!

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