Thursday, July 10, 2014

Hanging Out with Our Heritage

The boys stayed with their grandma and gandpa Tonsager for the better part of a week. Grandma worked and Grandpa was a bit nervous to have a barely one year old amongst the older boys for an entire week, so he just took the oldest 3 and spoiled th eheck out of them!!!!

They went swimming in Fall River and collected snails and shells...

They went to The Grand Magic Show in Custer....

Wind Cave.....

On Tuesday they had to come back up for their golf tournament.... <full post here>

Then we all went to Spearfish water park....

then the boys continued their fun with grandpa...

They went to the Mammoth Site...

Dinosaur Park and many other fun things with Grandpa and Grandma before coming home spoiled and exhausted!

What a great experience for them.

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