Saturday, July 13, 2019

Today is my last day being 33....that's okay with me.

After today, I will no longer be able to pretend to be less than in my 'mid thirties', something I've felt for a while now anyway. Today is my last day being 33 and it's okay with me. 

What did I do on my last day being 33? 
A 5K. My 2nd 5K of the month. My goal was to have my knee & my guts strong enough to do the Rodeo Run on the 4th of July & they were. It had been 3 years since I had participated in it instead of helped at a table. It had been 3 years since my last 5K event. It had been my 1st 5K since having Joe, since surgery, since knee injury. I wanted to push the kids in the stroller, the stroller is a killer crutch & security blanket. My friend told me to suck it up and get out there, get a base time again, hit the reset button & work through to getting back into it. She's a good friend. She puts on that race. Then today she paced with me to improve my time (by a whopping 11 seconds- but improvement is improvement), she can go waaaaay faster & was totally doing a solid for me by pacing me. I woke up with a stomach bug (really?!?!?! it's summer!?!?! Joe also has a fever of 102-103!!! You're not supposed to get sick in the summer!!!!) and I was really worried about making it....but "Let's do it anyway" is my new mantra. I mean, most days one thing or another is waring on me, if I waited for a feel good day, I may never leave the house again.

On that note......checking in on health:

My knee feels it after those 5Ks but not enough to stop me. Let's do it anyway.

My H&P surgery.... forgot all about it!
Feels great not to drop into anemia territory every few weeks & I do not miss a certain isle at the store. Unfortunatley the only downside here is that it can't fix the hormone imbalance from the Polycystic, that is still there. I tried to get off ALL Rx meds, if you recall, when I went rogue after post surgery complications. That went well until my 6 week post surgery appoinment when discussing the effects of not taking the metformin. My ovaries were left in after my genetic screening for BRCA 1& 2 (a mutation that runs in my family) came back negative. In leaving them in, my risk for other types of cancers remains far lower. My doc showed me those ovaries (they take pics of your insides with laproscopy, it's kinda way cool) and they were HUGE, way bigger than they should be & looked like golf balls instead of smooth even with taking metformin for 8 years, the PCOS is kicking their butt. The metformin is the only thing keeping them from being even more out of control & the only thing resembling certain hormones I lack to adequately produce. Soooooo, I started taking it again....unfortunately this means my immune system suffers & my body is sun sensitive. Let's do it anyway.

I am still NOT taking the antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) for my face nerve condition (trigeminal neuralgia), I take a handful of supplements and steer clear of certain triggers and get by with the day to day zingers of pain. The AED side effects take away quality of life, I'd rather feel the zingers. Chicken is a big trigger, I really like chicken, sun is a HUGE trigger, I like to be outside..... Let's do it anyway.

I still have not gotten back into the dentist for my crown repair & am scared of what will be awaiting me when I wake up from that procedure in the face pain department. It will have to happen as the tooth keeps slowly chipping away and some day its going to expose the nerve (by the way if that has ever happened to you, a crack or chip or dental injury where your nerve had been worked on or exposed....that is similar to what Trigeminal feels like when it flares). Any day without a flare with TN is a good day.

The autoimmune was fairly ignorable until the rains stopped and the heat amped up this week. The heat is like a traquilizer gun for me. I get real nasty cases of 'the dropsies' & lose sensation in my apendages....something I've decided is not all bad for running: legs go numb, run anyway, hands go numb, you don't need them to run. Let's do it anyway.

I'm pretty locked into the house in the a/c from 10am - 6pm ....but I've got enough to do around here during that time....

I made the decision to take a sobbatical from teaching preschool & focus on health, homeschooling & bucketlist projects next school year. As a result my main summer project has been to rearrange the basement, take down the preschool, put the living room & craft area there, make a playroom, homeschool nook, and 2 more bedrooms (where the living room and craft area were) so the kids are all back into their own rooms. This is a no cost opperation. By making rooms, I mean putting up sheets as dividers. We did paint over one wall in the preschool area where we will be putting the tv as a focus wall. Its been a slow and emotional process. I'm about 1/3 done. looooots of stuff.

Goal: done by rally. It's about to get even busier.....our 1st experience as parents of a high schooler coming right up!

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