Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Froggies and Foul Smells....

Upon going to bed gratefully the night we arrived at my parents, there was a gas-like aroma emanating from the downstairs bathroom which also houses the furnace, water-heater and water softener. I mentioned it to mom who said it was likely the new vinyl sheet protectors she had put on the bunk beds. So I went to bed and prayed for a better day.

The next day Mom and Dad worked so it was me and the 4 boys, my three and Braden, my 5 year old brother. We slept in a little then got up, ready and went outside to play. Tiff (my sister) came and hung out with us while the boys rode bikes. Finally her pregnancy low blood sugar got the best of her and she wanted to find lunch. I told her we could go in and I would cook. Upon entering the house we were taken aback by this strong, foul propane or natural gas odor. Tiff immediately called dad and I told the boys to go back outside and play in the fenced in backyard. After all the things that went wrong on the way down, I was not taking any chances.

I grabbed all the vegetables and hummus I had brought down and sent Tiff to the store for lunch meat. We had a backyard picnic. Dad eventually made it home from his service calls and was attempting to locate the problem while I did more praying that he would not blow up as 2 of our old high school friends' dads had passed away within the past 36 hours, mine was not going to be next. Superstitions often get the best of me, it drives Wayne nuts but is breed into the best of us.

Grandma showed up and we decided to take the boys on a walk up the street to Sonic for a Strawberry Limeade Slush at happy hour. Zach crashed about 3 times on his new big boy bike but we made it and they rode around the sidewalks in the shade while Grandma and I chatted and Tiff went to pick up Gage from daycare. The gas company was called and were still there by the time Sonic was tired of us and getting busy, so Grandma and I took the boys 4 blocks away to the park.

They had a blast. There was frog they chased and chased. Andy and Braden are so timid and would only scream when it would come their way. Zach and Luke were on it though! Eventually Zach caught up with it and picked the poor thing up by its skin on its back.

"Zachie, why don't you hold it a little better? Grab its whole back bone."

"no, I don't want bumps!"



Oh okay, I see. We had once had a conversation about getting warts from frogs when they pee on you. Andy had then asked if you pee on frogs, do they get warts. No Andy, we don't pee on frogs.

When the gas situation was figured out and had been discovered some lady in Texas had ordered it shut off because the payment had been misplaced by their office and words had been said and reconnection fees waived, all was well. (The smell apparently is present when the gas is shut off.)

By now Aunt Liz had dropped in and all of us women sat in a line in lawn chairs out front watching the boys play and catch more frogs. I thought we looked rather intimidating.

"Zachie what's our frog's name?" "Frankie" (first time it wasn't thomas)
Braden and Andy named their's Flippity Flop and Fred, there may have also been a Ferdinand.

We had a yummy supper of pork and loaded baked potato gourmet mashed potatoes and corn on the cob all sitting on a long white utility table down the living room. LOVED IT. Then we watched a movie called "Flooded" about a damn that was build wrong and busts flooding the town below. Zach absolutely loved it. They all did but Zach is really into my disaster movies. He recreated many times after on the beach, with Legos and still does today.
Gage helping Gpa make popcorn

Tiff & her boys

Me, my boys & Aunt Liz

All and all day 2 went well.

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