Sunday, July 3, 2011

Yellow Day!!

On Wednesday it was Yellow Day!

Happy Hour Rush Line @ Sonic
My favorite spot to sit @ M&D's

Ironically Andy and Zach and Braden all ended up on yellow Tball teams this year.
I mean we knew Andy and Zach would be the same team and same color but then mom said Braden had gotten yellow too, so we decided to bring down our Belle Fourche TBall shirts to wear to his games. 

We were to miss 4 of our own tball games while down there and we were to see most of Braden's games. 

There were many differences in the ways tbal was ran from here to there:

Our cutoff date was August 1st, theirs was January 1st (yes both Zach and Braden played anyway). 

We used to do each team bats 3 times, now we time for an hour..... they did around an hour.

We start doing coaches pitches after the first 3 games (after 3 strikes they then hit off the tee) they do not.
Our Tball is ages 5 & 6, theirs is 5-8. 

Neither keeps score or outs, last batter at both is a homerun, both had random kids sitting in the dirt and grass, kids missing bases and spectator siblings in massive truck and dirt piles around the bleachers. 
Grandpa & Gage
After the game we had a bon fire in the backyard with ice cream in these neat no drip holders Grandma Walker got us. Braden got 2 nose bleeds that day and missed out on one picture which made it a true grandkids picture. 

Then he jumped in on the next one. 

The boys practiced their bating skills as well.

Crack the Egg

Day 3 = Success. 



  1. Cute kiddie video! I love how you sneakily touched on colors and made connections to when they had seen snakes before at Grandpa's house, talked about different types of snakes and also mentioned how they felt when they saw it. That's great teaching buddy!

  2. LOL. Thanks, born to do it I guess.
