Thursday, July 7, 2011


The Dirt Pile: The boys all plopped down
& played trucks next to the camper.

One of my goals for being down in NE was that I wanted to take the boys camping in Grandpa Boo's pop up camper at the lake like I grew up doing. We'd go to the beach and swim and jetski and have bon fires and explore nature. It is such a nice big lake with lots of coves and campgrounds with shade. Everyday at the lake is an adventurous day well spent.

The boys rode their bikes all over 

Everything tastes better outside.

We rode bikes over to the Methodist Cove playground.

Gage and Luke rode in the bike trailer with Grandpa Boo.

Grandpa showed the boys how to find tree stars...

What's camping without a bon fire? This night ours came with a lightning show as well :-) 

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