Friday, July 15, 2011

Road Rash and Runaways....

On Sunday we woke up and decided it a good day to take the fairly new trail from Methodist Cove campground into the town of Alma. It was about a 2 mile ride and all the boys were doing so good with their bikes we decided to see how far we could take it with them.

We ended up going all the way into town to the park then back.

We only had two crashes and one bleeder.

Zach had just learned to ride without training wheels confidently over Memorial day after riding a bit last fall without them, then getting scared and having them back on for early spring. He was doing great for the week before we headed down to NE and I was adamant  about bringing all their bikes down.

Zach became a speed demon chasing Braden on his big wheel. Braden has not quite built the confidence for riding without training wheels but with them and on his favorite Big Wheel he is very Evil Kenevil.

On the trail we were heading down a hill and Zach had built up more speed than he knew what to do with, forgot how to use the breaks, panicked and crashed. He got some road rash on his knee and elbow and was then afraid to go fast or go down hills, making it a slightly longer ride back.

The other speed demon, Braden, did the same, got going to fast down a hill, forgot the brakes and tried to off road it using a decent dismount into the grass with not a scratch. All you could see were enormous blades of grass parting then a a few moments later a smiling little boy emerge from them. Dad dug out his bike and we went on like nothing happened.

Gage and Luke rode in the bike trailer with
Gradndpa. On the way back Gage had had enough and cried to get out most of the way causing Luke to bully him a bit in effort to quiet him. It didn't work. All was well the second the truck was spotted though.

It was fun and reminded me how much I enjoy a good bike ride.

Back at the campsite we found some ridiculous bug that was a cross between a grasshopper, a beetle, and a centipede. It was weird and gross. It didn't look like the pine beetles the forestry showed us here last year either, but it looked vicious enough to be a threat.

Then we packed up and headed home.

Rub a dub dub 4 little boys in a tub

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