Friday, July 15, 2011

Lukie & The Woo Woo's

Lukie had troubles staying buckled, staying in a "sit nice" position and staying in his seat on our many stops and long journey. I began to tell him that he HAD TO stay buckled and sit nice in his seat or the "Woo Woo's", as they all call the police, would come take him away because it is the law that little boys stay buckled in their seats. I did not figure this was working as he just answered "K". 

Well here we are at the campground Saturday and my Brother-in-law Shawn, a deputy for Harlan County Nebraska, pulls into the campground to come join us for supper and see Gage before bedtime. 

Here is the second the second time he pulled up and I didn't even catch the beginning (the first time he climbed up the side of me and was trembling uncontrollably)......

Uncle Shawn sitting by Luke

Petrified Luke trying to finish supper
Woo Woo Shawn Leaving

A Month Later poor Luke still get scared adn has to hold our hand bare minimum when he hears a siren or sees a cop and our neighbor who is a police officer at the VA can look at him wrong and he will cry and run for mom. 



  1. That's hilarious! I think I might call them the 'woo woos' from now on too! Tooooo cute!
