Thursday, July 7, 2011

Turkey Days and Runzas...

Thursday, Day 4 in NE:

Ice Cream @ Runza

Cheese Runza, yum yum
MMs on his cone
Today we met mom at one of my favorite restaurants, Runza, to meet mom for lunch on her break. We do not have Runza Restaurants in SD. The chain was started in NE. Very few states carry it. I worked here for a very brief period in high school before they were taken over by new management and became sketchy for a high school girl to be employed by. I did learn some awesome recipes during this time. Unfortunately their onion ring dip was one I have since forgotten (mmmm). I do remember their onion ring and their Runza construction, however, and often they frequent the menu at home. They feature this sandwich called the Runza. It is meat and cabbage inside a soft bread dough. You can also oder cheese and swiss variations as well. The ones I make at home just don't quite match up to the real deal so it is a must on my "back home checklist".

Eating it cone 1st

The boys LOVE Grandpa and Grandma's Backyard, as do I. The trees we planted on Arbor day from the First National Bank have matured beautiful and the rose bush has too. It is the perfect hang out.

Our neighbor Jamie Harrold's old sand box now Braden's.

Tree out front has been here since mom and dad bought the house. They even used these flowers from it in their wedding! And Joey, my iguana used to sit in it and eat them. I hope it survives another 30 years. 

Who's ready for some rides?

On Thursday night (day 4) we headed to Tiff & Shawn's old town, or rather "village" of Oxford for their annual Turkey Days celebration. The boys had a blast trying every ride except the Zipper. Braden and Zach even drug poor Uncle Shawn (or BIL for Braden) on the Octopus.

Grandpa with Gage & Luke on the carousel.
Just not thrilling enough for Zach, trying to spice it up.

The big boys love the green dragon roller coaster and Gage thought he could hang with them after the first two rides. He changed his mind after he was on for a few minutes.

We have never offered the "Big Rides" as a choice for our boys in the past as Andy is very timid and Zach was always too short, but Braden went on them last year with Tiff, so he was really into them by this year and Zach was so bored with the little rides that he was attempting stunts on them, so I decided why not? Well Andy, Zach and Braden all wanted to go on the Sizzler so we needed 3 adult riders to go with them. Dad has never done rides and Tiff is pregnant so that left Shawn, Mom and I...... never again, what a nauseating neck straining 5 minutes of torture.
Andy must have felt the same way because he didn't  want to go on the Octopus with the other 2 after that either. Shawn got stuck with that one. Envision: a big macho cop arms outstretched around a little boy on either side while the rest of the carts were filled with high schoolers. It was quite comical and we laughed most of the time. He looked from the outside like he was riding alone. 

Where's Braden?

The Village of Oxford office. 

more tickets Tiffy, more tickets!

Dare Devil Dou 

Oxford has an awesome Ducky game with inflatable Scooby and Taz as prizes.

Very Fun Fulfilling Night 

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