Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Back in Belle....

Back in Belle...

We got home just in time for Father's Day. We spent the day planting our garden and doing stuff with Dad.

Then Monday we started our summer session preschool with BUG week. We made bug jars, toilet tube bugs, played buggy games and caught bugs in the lot next to us.

We also picked back up with the boys' Tball just in time to play the red team again. Except we forgot couldn't find our shirts. Oops.

On Friday we got our buddies back from their vaca in Virginia. We had a game night and Uncle Dee and Dayna came too. 7 kids ran around having a blast and destroying anything that might have resembled organization or cleanliness. It was a good time had by all.

The next day we had a neighborhood water fight, more good times had by all.


Wayne has been working on his masters this summer and took a few classes in which he was one of the only boys each time and they were geared toward elementary. He receives free stuff at each class and since it is geared toward elementary I get some of that stuff for my preschool classroom. One of these manupulatives was PATTERN BOCKS. We love pattern blocks!

Dog Pile on Uncle Dee

Our restaurant of the week was the good 'ol Wal Mart deli. We got "chicken on a bone" for the boys, one of their favorites. Then we got General Tso's boneless wings for us. They are really just breaded chicken chunks in pre-made sauce, but that one is very yummy. They are sauced well and its not to spicy not to bland with good flavor. Highly recommend a taste next time you're waiting on something like an oil change in Wal Mart (as we were) for a snack, or make a meal out of it.

Unfortunately on our way out of Wal Mart Luke decided to stick his little finger in the wheel under the cart and his entire pointer finger's nail ripped off!!! Wayne was pushing the cart and I had another cart and we heard this noise off of the one of the carts catching something, he felt it on his and stopped and looked down to see Luke's finger caught in it. I thought for sure it would be his whole fingertip as my stomach lurched. He didn't cry till he tried to get up then we scooped him up and headed toward the automotive counter 50 feet away. They pulled out a first aide kit and we patched it up till we could get home and clean it. Luke was done crying by the time we reached the counter and just watched everyone eeewing around him. Then when we cleaned it with peroxide and antibacterial spray we expected screams like the other 2 give and all we got was a laugh and "Daddy sprayed me!" We just looked at each other and Wayne spouts off "he gets that from me, you'd be cussing up a storm and we'd hear about it for weeks".

Then Luke says "Mommy, take a picture of my bloooood," as he holds it up for me.

Another week gone by.

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