Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Technological difficulties....

Did you know that iPhoto can get full? I did not. Now I do. My iPhoto is currently full. In fact my entire "start up disk" is full. I can not put a single thing on this Mac until I get some stuff taken off. Which this would be an easy task but none of my external hard drives are Mac compatible because for the past 8 years we ran solely on PCs. Sooo, now the task has become complicated and will have to wait until I can devote enough time and attention to transferring the files without the internet service faulting or the computers randomly shutting off because they are bogged down. This shutting off randomly happens so often with our main computer that our tv is hooked up to that it almost makes me want to pay for cable again. Well, let's not go THAT far. Cable is ridiculous and you can find pretty much every show online for free these days if you are willing to wait a few days. This is the choice we made and that is when Wayne finally agreed to upgrade to smart phones. A well worthy trade we agree.

My goal for nap time today is to see if the computers will cooperate enough to get some stuff transferred off here and onto a PC through our home network then take the stuff off the PC and onto the external where I will have it backed up. We also use Carbonite to back up files and photos online. For a small fee the entire content of our computer (minus those files which we manually select not to have backed up) will be backed up each time the internet connects, and we have wireless networks that connect automatically every time we boot up the computers so essentially our computer is backed up periodically throughout each use. We decided on this after disks were scratched, memory cards, sticks and jump drives were too small, and external hard drives (also many full) can in fact crash when a small child crawls under a table and yanks it down by the cord while you are editing photos you just took at a family reunion. Its good to be double backed and covered.

We have had considerably bad luck with technology and have gone through tons of it, however, when you consider how much we use it for, it really just "goes with the territory". We were in school for 5-6 years, now we teach, I do free-lance photography and photo editing, as well as all the social networking and keeping in touch with people. There is a lot of use there and nothing lasts forever.

Anyhow, expect more posts once this mild catastrophe is resolved. :-)

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