Sunday, September 4, 2011

Big, Rich & Bdays....

The second week of July we relaxed  and recovered from all the family visiting. For preschool we talked about the big festivities in our community with the carnival and the cowboys and the fireworks. 

On Friday we met Ken & Gayle in Rapid so the boys could stay with them while we went to the Big & Rich, Gretchen Wilson, Cowboy Troy concert (my birthday present from Wayne).  

We had our first kidless weekend we could think of in over 3 years (since before Luke). We had planned to go out with our neighbors Tracy & Justin on our first kidless double date. 

Section A, 3rd row seats
Horrible lighting in there, Tracy & I
It was a blast! We did some gambling (or rather the men did), ate crab and prime rib at the Silverado then headed to the Deadwood Mountain Grand for its grand opening and first concerts. Big Kenny is part owner and wrote some songs about Deadwood. "Niles Harris, The Guy Who Gave Big Kenny his hat", was there as he is from the area and he was pulled on stage to an on-stage bar during the song 8th of November, it was amazing. Cowboy Tray is possibly the biggest black man I have ever seen next to the one from The Green Mile.  He had a gorgeous smile and that man could move. During the encore he sung Big Buts and some other songs right up Wayne's alley making the country concert okay in his eyes,  even though 8th of November is one of his favorites. Instead of having Gretchen Wilson sing then Big & Rich they did every other or every couple of songs by each artist then a duet or two. We liked this better it broke it up a bit instead of all of Gretchen's songs, All of Cowboy Troy then all of B&R. It was nice to switch between songs. Two Foot Fred was supposed to be with them on the tour but he could not travel out of state or it would be a violation of his parol. Not sure what he did or where he's from, I really don't know much about him, but he wasn't needed for the concert to succeed. In fact we were night two of the two night concert series as the first night sold out within 45 minutes or something like that so they decided to add night 2 and I believe were close to having it sold out as well (may have and I didn't hear).  After the concert we hung out in The Grand for a while. John Rich was to do a dance or a keg stand or something on top of the Slime Bar if we stuck around but it was too hot and crowded and Wayne came out ahead on the penny slot so we walked away while we were ahead (the only way to do it). 
Me & Tracy @ Big & Rich,
 Justin & his cougar friend in the background

Sunday we met Gayle in Rapid again and I finally got to eat at Q'Doba Mexican Grill without getting sick (every other time we tried I got sick before we got there and couldn't eat, fluke!) It was really yummy. It is similar to Spearfish's Barbacoa's only not the same sauces, a few less maybe, and a little bigger menu selection. I enjoyed their guacamole which did not have raw tomatoes, a definite must for me, I despise raw tomatoes. Then I had a pulled pork burrito with pinto beans, lime rice, mild corn sauce adn a spicy red something sauce, some guac, sour cream and lettuce in it. YUM! My only disappointment was leaving it in the car while we at Coach Schlecht's Unhappy Birthday Party at Schlecht Ranch outside of Sturgis. We ended up staying pretty long and I had to throw it. 

John Rich

on stage bar

Gretchen Wilson

Big Kenny

Justin holding up his leg during 8th of November.

Cowboy Troy singing Big Butts & some other awesome songs we danced to.

My guitar pick from Gretchen Wilson I caught.

Justin slapped his hand.

Christianing the Deadwood Mt Grand w/ Champain

Big Kenny in his Top Hat

Justin Schlecht, the head wrestling coach for Belle Fourche and the middle school art teacher, and his Wife who also taught at the middle school and their daughter are soon moving to Dickinson, North Dakota where Justin went to college and wrestled. He was offered wrestling coach spot at the college and they both found teaching jobs up there so they took off. Before they went Meagan decided to throw Justin an "Unhappy Birthday" because "birthdays shouldn't be a big deal" he always says. It was kind of like a going away party too. They had an amazing set up on a ranch in the boonies at the base of a hill between Sturgis and Whitewood. There was an enormous stone fire pit that they roasted brats on a pitchfork (I tried to get a pic but it was dark and I only had my phone and was being inconspicuous). All these cowboys and wrestling coaches and Army guys and a pitchfork full of brats on a ranch in the boondocks. It was classic and relaxing and FUN! The men playing a very competitive bean bag toss tourney and the women sat in a circle and chatted.  We were sad to leave knowing we likely wouldn't see these friends for a long time, but eventually the party broke up and the night was over.

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