Thursday, February 27, 2014

A different breed....

What is Cross Country Running?

To sum it up in a handful of words: distance, endurance, perseverance, achievement.

The detailed version:  HERE

1999.... Fall of Freshmen Year

I had enjoyed 7th and 8th grade track so much, I decided to go out for Cross Country when I entered high school. Aaron & Travis were there too. I made the varsity team! If I remember right, Travis did too. I varsity lettered my freshman year, and my Sophomore year, although it was better earned my freshman year. We had 60some runners on the team both years in a school of just short of 400 students! That was a BIG team. It was a FUN team! 

I remember one race, my shoes came untied so I kicked them off on the course and finished the race in my socks!!

I remember trading team shirts with other teams.

I remember the HUGE JACKRABBIT of the OGALLALA golf course! He might of had prongs, I'm not sure.

One of my, we won't call it a regret, but a "wish I had done differently" things from my past is that I wish I would have stuck with cross country all 4 years of high school. My Junior and Senior years I decided to work instead. Great for getting my first car and whatever all else I bought, but did not replace the life lessons you learn from sports. 

My last running event before my hiatus was fall of my Sophomore year of High School in 2000. My next event would not be until after having my 4th child in 2012!

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