Friday, March 25, 2011

Ornery Lil Leprechauns

Last Sunday was sooo busy I nearly didn't get this posted before the next Sunday rolls in. 
A wee bit o' Irish Blessings for you!

Wayne began his Driver's Ed courses which he ended up with 65 students before they finally capped it. He teaches 30 classroom hours 10 ties on Fridays for 3 hours each before taking each of the 5 students out for 6 hours of drive time each. This is 390 hours in the car with 7th, 8th and 9th graders. I suggested we up the life insurance first but Mark Rude hasn't called us back yet ;-) I am very nervous for him. They tried to get the old driver's ed teacher to help out but he wasn't interested apparently because we never heard back from the district that this would happen. The boys and I will be taking  2+ week vaca to NE in June so Wayne can hit the driving hours hard.
Shamrock Treats

We recently had Andy's student led spring conferences. He is doing well. He enjoys Math like his dad and hopes to teach it as well as coach football and wrestling when he grows up. They had a mini math fair set up in the lunch room during conferences for everyone to go play games and see the kindergarten math curriculum in a sort. It was fun and we had our picture taken so maybe it will end up somewhere. 

Lil' Broncs took on another daycare's kids while she closed for a week, then at the beginning of this week she announced she will be closing and taking another daycare teacher from the town with her to run the country club. SCORE! We are starting advertising next week and have made some changes to hopefully accommodate to those who are in need of care. There is rumor a 3rd daycare may close next month as well. While this is not the best timing for us, we decided it is a once in a lifetime shot and could boost income above where it was at while at the district so we are going to go for it.

Pot 'O Gold
We had a St. Patrick's Day Party on the 17th and the 18th as there was different kids each day. Ms. Danya (Foote) came Friday with Hunter to help us out while I had an appointment in Rapid. We made special shamrock treats, made leprechauns, played shamrock shamrock who has the shamrock, and shamrock shamrock leprechaun, dressed up as leprechauns and irishmen, read St. Pat's books and had "Pot 'o Gold" for lunch. It was a good time. The boys decided to act like ornery little leprechauns too by making some quality messes to clean up. 

On another positive business note, our Market America continues to expand as well. We keep finding more and more products to try and fall in love with and the cash back for the things we order online is adding up. Our favorite still remains the store pickup feature at Sam's Club. We are set to pick up April's groceries this weekend and 4 of the 5 of us won't even have to get out of the van for the 5 minute wait. We sill can't believe how much time this leaves for us to do more enjoyable things like Lowe's Build and Grow Clinic and the Kid's Fair both in this weekend's Rapid Agenda. We are looking forward to Uncle Dee and Dayna (Borah) coming up later this afternoon to join us for the weekend too.

It was nice for a couple days last week while the lamb visited before it got scared and ran to hide. We went out and hung swings and put the bench from Uncle Jim and Aunt Liz out and made a plan for the landscaping for this spring. We can't wait! We also had a high school teacher's open house at Raba's and game night with the Shellhammer's. Always fun, but the men pooped out early so Tracy and I snuck out and went hot tubbing ....ahahahahaha. It was much needed. 

Catch ya in a couple days......

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