Sunday, March 13, 2011

A taste of SPRING!

End of week, off deck
Start of week, deck

We can use the grill! You should have smelled all of them going!

This week the temps have been holding in the mid to upper 50’s and look to continue this way through the next week! What a rare treat for mid March! It has been a few ears since the snow started to melt this early. It makes for a soupy mucky mess outside but feels good on your face.
To enjoy we have been going on walks and splashing puddles with our galoshes for the letter “G” and riding our bikes, big wheels and scooters.

Playing House w/ Logan & Luke
At Lil’ Broncs we had some new friends from Gillette come play on Monday. Their names were Logan and Lukas and they are the grandkids of our next-door neighbors and they also live across the street from our friends, the Lents, in Gillette and do MOPS with some other friends from Gillette. Our next door neighbors are also Wayne’s 4th cousins, so b marriage the boys would have been 5th or 6th cousins? Not sure, but they were fun! Logan is 4 like Zach and Luke is 2 like Luke. They just thought this was soooo cool. We hope they come back and play soon.

We made the 3 Billy Goats Gruff for letter G this week along with our galoshes fun. Zach and Luke came up with creative “tents” for naptime. Andy got to spend the night with his best friend Devin Friday while the rest of us had a movie party.

 On Saturday I had an all day conference for Market America while the boys hung out with Dad. I met some neat people and learned some valuable things about business owning and about some amazing products exclusive to our business and some that are just more preferable through it. 

Give me a call I will hook you up!

We have spoiled ourselves with some yummy meals this week, which you can read about and get the recipes for HERE.

We are looking forward to checkup’s, more friends at preschool and a St. Patty’s Day party next week and Wayne, AKA Mr. Holland, starts DRIVER’S ED next Friday during Intersession. Maybe we’ll even get a picnic in before a spring blizzard catches up with us?

Andy doing subtraction on sidewalk
Until next week…..

Luke and his babies.
Playing w/ Math Manipulatives
Luke's favorite attire.


Wayne's Idea of SMART: standing atop pool ladder as actual ladder while hanging insulation and OSB in garage!

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