Monday, March 7, 2011

Winter Marches on....

March in the tundra never ceases to roll in with a roar. We have had nearly every form of precipitation and moisture this week and as I type there are big beautiful flakes swirling down from the foggy sky. One must not live here and be so naive to think March starts spring. I would prefer to continue to look at the white opposed to brown anyhow.

What a milestone! We have had supper every night together and made some other simple back to norm changes.

It was “F” week and Read Across America week for us at Lil’ Broncs. We made frogs and learned what things start with F and the sound it makes, then Tuesday we celebrated Dr. Seuss’ birthday by watching The Cat in the Hat Knows a lot About That, reading Dr. Seuss books, coloring scenes from the books, making hats like the cat’s and drawing cat noses and whiskers on our faces to make ourselves cats. We also played “Find F’s” went fishing and had Parents as Teachers come. She did the Denver screening on Luke. He impressed us by using all the blocks to make a tower (only needed to use 8), copying images and learning the concept friend. These were all above age milestones for him.

LUKE IS DIAPER FREE!!! We cannot go so far to say that we are 100% potty trained though, but after 8 months of nudeness and needing diapers to mingle in general society, we are able to wear underwear for our days (though he still prefers the freedom of nudeness). However after only a 30% rate for night dryness we went back to pull-ups. We are so close.
Zach has been obsessed with the cardboard building blocks this week and shows amazing creativity with them. The boys really like taking turns building and wrecking huge masterpieces. Zach also has something up with his eyes.

Andy’s stacking cups he ordered from school came in and he has been attempting speed stacking which support a correlation between hand/eye and cognition. Ultimately it should help his reading skills which are quite impressive in the first place. ANDY CAN READ!!!!!!! He has a growing list of 20-some simple books he has mastered. It is so exciting to experience. His longest book he has mastered has been The Foot Book by Dr. Seuss which he read on the document camera to his class at school as a celebration of mastery.

Andy started riding the bus after school this week. Zach, Luke and I had been picking him up but this became a problem as the number of drop ins at the preschool is continually on the rise and there have been some communication delays with the messaging system at the school that cause problems in transportation. After a compromise we decided riding the bus to hang out with Dad would be best even though it meant around a half an hour on the bus. He seems to be enjoying the extra socialization time and being able to play on the computers when Wayne has homework help after school. He even gets a snack there!
Andy's bear pancake at Perkins
This weekend we went to Gillette and built Home Depot race cars at their kids build it program. I also presented Market America and my presentation was interrupted twice by other entrepreneurs trying to promote their products to us (so naturally I did so in return).  I learned Brothers Coffee is a hot spot for showings and meetings. We got to visit family and see how big our nieces were getting and eat real sushi, a rare treat for us, at our favorite Chinese restaurant. We had hoped to make the Mardi Gras Deadwood parade but took a little too long eating supper and getting going, though temps were only in the teens up there and likely it would have been miserable to listen to meatless Zach wine the entire time.
Sunday we did our monthly grocery shopping spending 5 minutes in Sam’s Club (AWESOME; didn’t have to put up with the boys’ breakdowns), still amazed by this order pickup feature for groceries. We also ate at Dickey’s BBQ Pit in Rapid City which has just joined my top 10. LOVED it! I was able to have a brisket sandwich, my beloved cesar salad, onion tangles (or any 2 sides off a long list), a huge pickle, ice cream and a 32oz iced tea all for less than $10!
That pretty much sums up the week.

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