Thursday, May 26, 2011

Wacky Weather

May 1st from snow April 29th to Rain May 1st 

my swing flew straight up
then stuck over the fort post

our slide twisted and nearly snapped
in the 75mph wind. You can see the
 6" ruts to the left where it was blown
Sometime weeks ago it began to rain at least once in a 24 hour period and it just kept increasing in volume and duration until there was complete saturation and then beyond.

It began with some mist and some wind then some rain and some sleet, then more rain and more and more and more. Add the snow melt from the hills and from WY and you have nasty.

In the past 2 weeks we have gotten creative with how to keep ourselves entertained. We have walked laps around the block, gone to the dryest parks we could find, puddle splashed, done garage picnics, made enormous blanket forts, played in the McDonald's Playplace and drove around taking pictures of the floods.

We also went to our friend Emily Lent's birthday at Watitki during a very wet storm.

center of nation monument underwater
We love rain but we have seen many flooded basements, flooded houses, flooded streets, flooded highways, flooded businesses, flooded tee-ball and soccer fields, and even had our last day of school cancelled due to fear of not getting accross town in busses and having EVERY rural road North of the Belle Fourche River (flows through the middle of town) flooded. The city called all people available to sandbag on Tuesday. We wished we could help but we had Luke's doctor appointment for a double ear infection, Zach's screening for preschool, and Andy's Kindergarten program. Plus 2 and 4 year olds don't sandbag well.

7th St busses take from one school to another
We are waiting to hear if we have been declared a disaster area. The flood was very similar to that in '08 we were at a moderate to severe flood stage. Moderate begins at 15' and we made it to 16.8 and 17 in different places last we had heard. The river crest at some point early Wednesday morning. There has still been continuing rains, although they have not brought as much rain at one time. A week ago in less than a week's period we had gotten 5" of rain plus snow melt and that was well before the rains stopped. They say it may crest again if we get another large storm like the one last week that brought 2-4 inches in only a couple of hours to  Butte County. We are glad to have built on a hill but feel for the many friends and coworkers and other community members who were flooded or cut off from main roads.

One such is our Early Intervention Preschool teacher who has a daughter in Wayne's driver's ed class. They live off Highway 212 which comes through town and goes out past the dam. They have a low spot in their driveway and when the rainy season comes they put their small row/fishing boat by it and leave their cars parked on the highway side of the low spot. Every day they then take the boat across the washout to get home and back to their cars. It has become a spring ritual with our past few really wet years.
Tee Ball Field on Monday & Tuesday

tee ball field on Sunday

The water is still receding and we are waiting to see if our tee ball field will re-emerge before fist tee-ball game and pictures next Friday.

our main hwy & last route through town
had water across 2 of 4 lanes. A pump ran
desperately trying to keep it open Tues.
flooded campground in he middle of town
by Belle Fourche River accross from post office

We also have some sad news once again. We were pregnant again and from the start it did not look good. I had been in a pre-menopause like state after the first miscarriage and had to try a few different meds in order to attempt to come out of it. They gave us a choice to be done or try for another right then. We still would like to have one more while we are no longer in college and have a house and careers. We went for it. On our first round of med number 2 or 3 we did conceive. They started progesterone level counts and the first one was extremely low at 2.2. They were unsure at that point if they even wanted to attempt supplements but after nearly begging they went ahead and Rx'd some. I was on them with weekly blood draws for 8 weeks. The numbers were slow to rise and then began to fall at the end. We did have an ultrasound at 6 weeks which revealed a tiny tiny baby with a normal heart rate. Unfortunately today at 10 weeks 4 days (5 days past the point we mad it last time) we lost our little one. I am going in for surgery again in the morning. It is still very disappointing and frustrating, however this one did not take us completely by surprise as it seems we had a struggling little fighter from the start. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers at this difficult time.  

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Mother's Day Weekend

Mother's Day Flower Pot Door Stops

At Lil' Broncs we made something we had not seen from any of the area preschools which was low cost and fast for the suddenly 9 children who were to be there that week. Once may hit enrollment boomed. I now sit at an average of 6 a day for the summer and an occasional 9 kid day. It is nice for the pocket but VERY hard on the body at this point.

moms fav colors

dad's fav color

For Mother's Day weekend I took pictures of my nieces Maddie and Megan which I am still not done editing, SORRY Jenny. Also our antique pictures we had done through a raffle for a local charity came in and I sent Wayne to pick them up because he told me I couldn't buy any and just had to pick up the free one. Well when he came home each boys presented me with an 8x10 of themselves. He couldn't walk away without buying them either ;-) What a great Mother's Day Gift!




Already High Belle Fourche River @ Orman Dam

We also went fishing (time before this Andy & Zach caught their first fish each), ate at Guadalajara's on Cinco De Mayo (best sopa pillas EVER!) and Stadium on Mother's Day...steak tips mmmmm.

Zach's 1st Fish
Andy's 1st Fish

lukie wearing balaclava as extra pants

playing w/ leaches

little boys on the prairie
you and me go fishin' till dark

On Monday Andy and Zach had their first tee-ball practice in the misty thick weather. They had fun and it was fun to sit with all the parents and watch too.

This is probably when the 40 days and 40 nights of rain began.

Days its too wet to go out back,
 we walk laps around the block.