Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Mother's Day Weekend

Mother's Day Flower Pot Door Stops

At Lil' Broncs we made something we had not seen from any of the area preschools which was low cost and fast for the suddenly 9 children who were to be there that week. Once may hit enrollment boomed. I now sit at an average of 6 a day for the summer and an occasional 9 kid day. It is nice for the pocket but VERY hard on the body at this point.

moms fav colors

dad's fav color

For Mother's Day weekend I took pictures of my nieces Maddie and Megan which I am still not done editing, SORRY Jenny. Also our antique pictures we had done through a raffle for a local charity came in and I sent Wayne to pick them up because he told me I couldn't buy any and just had to pick up the free one. Well when he came home each boys presented me with an 8x10 of themselves. He couldn't walk away without buying them either ;-) What a great Mother's Day Gift!




Already High Belle Fourche River @ Orman Dam

We also went fishing (time before this Andy & Zach caught their first fish each), ate at Guadalajara's on Cinco De Mayo (best sopa pillas EVER!) and Stadium on Mother's Day...steak tips mmmmm.

Zach's 1st Fish
Andy's 1st Fish

lukie wearing balaclava as extra pants

playing w/ leaches

little boys on the prairie
you and me go fishin' till dark

On Monday Andy and Zach had their first tee-ball practice in the misty thick weather. They had fun and it was fun to sit with all the parents and watch too.

This is probably when the 40 days and 40 nights of rain began.

Days its too wet to go out back,
 we walk laps around the block.

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