Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Easter Week

For Easter we stayed in Belle.

We had an Egg-Strvaganza Party for Lil' Broncs with 9 kids on Good Friday. We made bunny and chick finger puppets, read easter books. Our fav was There was an Old Lady who Swallowed a Chick. Then we hunted eggs in the freezing rain. To warm up we had hot chocolate and Chicks on a Stick.

Saturday we had breakfast with the Easter Bunny at Dairy Queen then went to the church egg hunt where the kids ended up with 2-300 of the 3-4,000 eggs. When their bags and baskets were full we told them they had to quit even though there were still eggs to find.

Then we died our eggs.....

#6  :-)

Sunday the boys swore they seen the Easter bunny flop by the deck. He left them a note and lots o eggs and a basket of stuff. Then we went to the Easter service and had Easter Dinner at our house followed by much needed naps. It was a great day.

Monday we did yard work, went fishing and relaxed with our Easter Toys.

ZhuZhu World

opening G&G T's gifts

Flying Kites from G&GW 

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