Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Watiki Weekend

The last weekend of April/ first weekend of May while it was still snowing we had our annual Tonsager gathering at Watiki waterpark in Rapid. We do it every spring when Jenny is done with tax season and Wayne is done with Wrestling. The boys absolutely LOVE all the spoiling and we enjoy the relaxation of it. Grandpa always brings a bag of quarters for everyone at the arcade and the boys save tickets for prizes. We also spend countless hours in the waterpark. This year was a monumental one for the Tonsager boys. All 3 of them went on the big slides this year. It only took Luke his second year there (this year) and it was Zach's second or third year doing them but Andy went on them for the first time this year. 
Mark & Wayne's annual
Dance Dance Rev. Dance Off
Grandpa Breaking the Bank

We were also going to go to the circus for the first time and had the tickets boughten and all but come Saturday night both the big boys woke up sick and we ended up giving the tickets away to some fellow teachers. Soooo, we have yet to go to the circus.

We tried some new restaurants out:

I had never eaten at Boston's!!!!

We had their pizza for lunch and our fav's were Chicken Da Vinci and Mamma Meata.

We also ate at one of my all time fav's OUTBACK

I also had never had a Jimmy Johns Sub!!! Tried one, loved it ;-)

and were supposed to try Qudoba but it didn't work out with the boys being sick.

We did get outside for a few minutes at a park with our friends Hunter, Kaya & Ethan but then it started to rain and hail on us in Spearfish after my weekly blood draw.    :-)

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