Sunday, July 31, 2011

Court House Games & Gage is two!!!

Friday, our last full day in NE we got real busy.

Mom and I started early with the boys, who by then were all sick of each other, and went garage saling. We got lots of good stuff and had to unload at lunch then went for round 2.

everyboy loves cars
some other purchases
One of my favorite purchases was from the First United Methodist Church where I was baptized, confirmed, flower girl for my aunt & uncle's wedding and was myself Married in! We got quite a few things there but my favorite is a kids rocking chair from the preschool/nursery room. I remember siting on it when I first started Sunday School at age 3! Its now in my living room and the boys and daycare kiddos love it. They also had the florecent colored bean bags for sale that were purchased new when I was a 7th grader in youth group and sat on every week with Aaron, Travis, Nathan, Drew, Heather, Mikala and John. I didn't get those because we are pretty set on more neutral colored ones here ;-)

After garage saling we headed down to the court house for the Annual Sweedish Days Festival's game day for kids. Our town was founded by Sweedish immigrants and in honor of this every June they have a "Sweedish Days Festival". There are bed races, a 5/10k run,  parade, a sweedish breakfast, "Portch Festival" (a bunch of vendors, crafts and treats on the large porches of the original houses down East and West Avenue,  street dance a rib eating contest and all sorts of stuff. We hit up the court house games for kids where there was a bounce house, an inflatable slide, some games and some crafts. The boys made bracelets, pin wheels, and magnets, went on the inflatables, picked duckies and got tatoos. It was fun.

The first time the boys went up the enormous inflatable slide with rock wall type steps I followed them up as Luke was determined he was going to do it. He didn't wait for me to sit and sit on my lap, instead he flopped himself over the top and went. There happens to be a bump in the slide half way down and he hit it and did a somersault mid air then hit the bottom mat. 3 grown men moved in to see if he was hurt as he popped up laughing. The kid is a daredevil and I fear for his teen years. 3 times later down the slide we finally moved on to the bounce house where he again insisted on hanging with the big boys. While in there he caught a knee to the face and cried but refused to get out. Toughest little booger I ever met too.




After the court house games the boys rested while I started to sort and pack for the trip home next day. I didn't get very far before it was time to head to Orleans back down by the lake to Tiff and Shawn's house for Gage's second birthday party.

Tiff had worked all day to get everything ready. When we got there this was waiting.........

Gage got lots of balls and baseball bats and sports stuff as the kid is an athletic sports nut. We gave him a bat and ball, a bball hoop and a portable DVD player set that he is meant to use to come visit us. Mom gave him an Imaginarium train table I purchased up here from a friend that has an awesome train and track that is interactive. Everyone had a blast. We attempted a bon fire after the party but it was short lived as everyone was exhausted and a storm began to roll in. We raced it back to Holdrege to beat the rain before all my stuff in the yard got wet. We beat that storm but apparently a prior wave of light rain had come through because it was all slightly wet. We got everythign toweled off and inside before the downpoor though. After the storm passed we hit the sack before the final crazy busy day in Nebraska.