Monday, March 24, 2014

Days 19-22


   Friday was scrambled eggs for breakfast, Spark, almonds, leftover chili for lunch….then there was this:

And this:

And this:

And some of this:

And some of this:

Buuuuut it was a BLAST!

If only Redden would have brought his wife.


We slept in slightly on Saturday, the boys & I, while Wayne was running a mat at National Wrestling in Spearfish.

I made myself an Egg Sandwich for breakfast but it tasted terrible to me so I stuck it in the fridge and had planned to make something else, but never got around to it.


I worked on my bedroom and closet all morning  day.

Cleaning your house is like a slider puzzle, you have to slide everything one direction to clean an area, then slide it another direction to clean that area, ect, ect.

My goal was to get the clothes out of the living room by cleaning my closet and organizing it so all of Wayne and I’s clothes could be put away in there. Almost completed it. A few straggling articles left.

At lunch I made the kids mac goulash, but I didn’t like it. Sooo I got a frozen cup of soup from the freezer and ate most of it.

The boys made unsalted popcorn for snack, I had a handful.

Cleaning was a workout in itself, but then I ran on the treadmill. I meant to do C25K Week 2 Day 2, but forgot to switch it, so instead I started over at Week 1, day 1. It really did feel like I needed to go longer and harder on the run. I upped my pace and it felt awesome.

For supper we went to a neighbor’s 30th Birthday party. That was FUN as well.
I had some yummy pasta salad and half a bbq beef sandwich and 1 measly crown and coke.

Wayne pulled a real dick move and said he was ready to go home and go to bed, then diched me in the driveway and went to hang out with his guys. Jerk.

I made him a “Get out of the Doghouse” list for Sunday. He completed most of it.


Part of the Dogouse list stated that I got to sleep in until breakfast was ready and another item was that I didn’t have to wipe poop that day.

Breakfast was a potato, onion and low fat, low salt turkey sausage stir fry with coconut oil. It wasn’t bad.

Lunch was Spaghetti Squash Spaghetti with bratwurst. YUMMMMM!!!!!!!

Supper was popcorn. By choice. We really do eat that much of it.

I ran and forgot to change the week again so I did Week 1, day 2 AGAIN. It kicked my butt. I felt like I was dragging dead muscle the entire time. I survived though.

We also finished putting together our new entertainment center!! LOVE IT!!!


Today I had a severe case of the Mondays. I was grumpy AND frumpy. Things weren’t going right and were making me mad left and right.

The scale made me mad.

My breakfast hit the floor, made me mad.

We were running late, made me mad.

My emails made me mad.

People made me mad.

Buuuut, I was pretty productive this morning. Which was great because after lunch my stomach went rogue and I started to feel pretty terrible.

Lunch was leftover spaghetti squash spaghetti and garlic bread. Somewhere in there I also had a meal replacement shake. Those things are really growing on me.

I barely made it through my afternoon. Wayne had up and decided we are finally going to try out the Safeway app and Just4You couponing. They really do have some good deals. Take that from the WORSE COUPONER EVER. I HATE to
coupon. I only like going to the store once a month. And yes, usually that works. The last couple of months we haven’t been quite as efficient at it though and have had to go back for eggs, milk, cheese and bread in the middle. That’s what we needed today. It just so happened Safeway had some Just4You deals on those exact things. I pushed myself to go grab just those few things after school.

I made it through in record time before the boys even missed me. I also seen an old coworker and friend there and got a bonus chat with her.

After I grabbed all 4 boys from 3 locations and 2 towns, we headed home and scarfed down some roast, potatoes, carrots, celery and “nut and seed” bread which I got for 20% off at……yep, Safeway. OMG….YUM!!!!! I admit, I had a slice AND the heal.

Now I’m lying in bed with chills and a churning stomach. Grrrrrrr.

I was really hoping to run tonight, as I just can’t seem to make 5am work. I can do 6am, I can do 10am, 2pm, and I can do 4pm, but I really struggle with 5am.

I don’t know if I will be able to push though this round of ailment for something as strenuous though. I bailed on yoga this afternoon too after the first round.

I only have 2 personal days left and am using one next Friday for little Lukie’s field trip to the kids fair as a parent chaperone. I was hoping to save the last one for Zach’s field trip to the Wildlife Sanctuary toward the end of the year. I still have banked sick days left I could tap into AFTER that, but if I use up the last personal day, I can’t take any more of those and wouldn’t be able to do the field trips at all. I’m super bummed and trying hard to push through.

Wayne took all the boys, all 4 boys, including the naughty almost 2 year old, to the last wrestling practice. Luke wrestles Saturday in Rapid for State, then we will have completed an ENTIRE SEASON of AAU for the first time. It began earlier this year, December 2nd for practices, January 3rd for tournaments and has been pretty much every weekend since. That’s 4 entire months. I’m so ready to be done. I’m also so proud of the boys for how far they’ve come this year and of Lukie for all his effort and earning his spot.

We shall see if I’m able to push through tomorrow and finish strong Wednesday!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Day 18 of 24....

Not going to lie, today sucked. All the way around. 

I've had about enough of my sinus issues which feel like the gunk is moving to my chest. It feels absolutely terrible to do anything too physical and my energy is cut in half (I can't imagine how I would feel without my Spark and all my vitamins and supplements- probably the only thing keeping it from being full blown terrible). 

I'm also super busy at work but my first hour or two of the day I was very unmotivated to do the paperwork that needed done and preferred interaction wherever I could find it. This is not a bad thing, I just also need to finish the paperwork before it's due. 

I also had technical difficulties with said paperwork. It seems every time I need to make a deadline or need assistance on a piece of paperwork, Chrome fails me big time. It was still not functioning when I needed to head off to my afternoon meeting. 

There were yummy things all over the place too. Throughout the day I had a cookie, half a crescent and a small piece of heaven at my staff meeting, will not fess up to exactly what it was, but it was a favorite. 

I had scrambled eggs for breakfast, almonds for snack, salad with grilled chicken for lunch and a small bowl of spaghetti with a piece of baguette for supper. 

I did a LOT of core work bouncing on my ball chair, some yoga, some walking and some cleaning and building of an entertainment center! Okay I lied, mainly I watched, played gofer and helping with a little flipping it over and over and over. It is 6' long so it was a decent regiment of weight lifting. 

My phone is on the fritz. It has sound issues where it will work a while, then not, then work, then not. It likes to play with my emotions. It had never had issues with notifications before this week. It always rang and the alarms always sounded. This week it only rings when it feels like it. It screens it's own calls.....if only we could agree on who it could ring for and who it doesn't have to bother with it. Tonight I almost missed Nikki's call and company because the phone, name yet to be determined, was being pissy. It did let out the last two sound bars of a ring before going to voicemail so at least then I knew someone was trying to call, but then when I tried to answer it went rogue!!! The home row disappeared all together and I had to top search for my texts and phone icon. What a pain in the rear.

My goal for the next two days is to eat less, because it's a busy weekend socially for us and I know I will have a large calorie, sodium and processed intake through liquids alone ;) ;) Don't expect another post until Sunday. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


I'm a little uninspired today so I'm going to bullet point it:

What I ate:

Breakfast- scrambled eggs, meal replacement shake
Lunch- leftover steak, onions & sweet potatoes
Snack- unsalted popcorn
Supper- salad with chicken & pomegranate vinaigrette 
a large spoonful of shredded beef


moved heavy furniture
Chest & throat felt highly irritated, couldn't stop coughing, had to stop.

Spectacular News:

I remembered all my supplements. 
Possibly I burnt as many calories as I took in (not something I'm tracking). 
I made a nice dent in cleaning my downstairs living room. 
I was another pound down on the scale this morning. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

16 down, 8 to go....

Another 2 hour late start, another jumbled morning. 

Spearfish got 13" and a 2 hour late start.....

Belle got 8" and no late start.....

There were 4 accidents on the way over....

Before the plows.....

Too pretty not to take pics.....

Wonder if this tree will snap the lines and cut power to the school again?

Do I really Have to stop then???

I got a little high centered a couple times, but made it through scraping the undercarriage. Had to ram through some thick stuff to make turns. This car wasn't as lucky turning into his apartments....

The boys love the "Mom's Room Time" though...

There's a computer for everyone and cable!!!!! On a huge screen!!!

At this point none wants to make up any more school, but I really could have used a snow day!! I woke up feeling like HOT GARBAGE. I really considered giving up my last personal day (other than the one I am saving for Zach's field trip to the Wildlife Sanctuary). I eventually got out from under the covers, fought off the congestion and got in the shower. I felt much better after that and a healthy dose of Ibueprofen. 

I seem to be able to do my spark and my 30 minute pre-meal regiment, however I CANNOT REMEMBER to take my lunch supplements GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!! Phone alarm on it's way!!

Breakfast I made an omelet to go and a meal replacement shake hoping to bypass the midmorning almond crunch. I felt full and it lasted until 12:45 when I warmed up lunch. 

Taco meat and a wedge of cheddar jack in a spinach wrap with Frank's. 
Carrots & hummus. Pear. YUM YUM YUM. I was very full with this!!! YAY!!!

No pm snack today either! I don't know if the hormones regulated, the storm passed, or the one meal replacement shake in the morning made all the difference??? I liked it though. 

Yoga at 1:30, ran errands after school. Got home in time to make supper. Wayne made steaks, amazing steaks. We got mushrooms in our Bountiful Basket, you aren't to eat them on the cleanse, but I couldn't remember if it applied after the first 10 days? Weeeeelll, they go bad fairly fast and I wasn't about to waste them, so I cooked them up with onion and garlic to top the steak. SERIOUSLY AMAZING!!!!! We made sweet potato bake and I had my first glass of milk. It was all so yummy. 

I feel a little miserable after eating my 6oz of steak, my veggie toppings and a few bites of the sweet potato bake. I really wanted to run after putting the boys in bed, while Wayne was out doing some March Madness Draft with the male teaching crew. I didn't get to it though. Jake is in some awful phase where its all I can do not to sit on him, or duck tape him. Then there's Luke, he has no body control and is in an
incredibly immature phase. It wore me out. My sinuses started to seep back into awareness and I threw in the towel. We watched a disney movie (NOT FROZEN, I'm tired of that one already, thank goodness I have all boys, just for that scenario. We got it on Vodoo a couple weeks back and watched it in theater.... don't get e wrong, I love musicals and Disney is top notch in my book, I will watch it at least a dozen more times, but not tonight). 

My to-do list for this week is incredibly long. I spent February feeling like it drug on forever, now that it's March, there hasn't been time to breathe and I want February back. 

Luke was registered for Kindergarten today and I have a meeting on his Speech Articulation tomorrow. 2 other meetings this week, back to back social functions over the weekend, a possible road trip to Gillette- only if the weather is perfect, I HATE THAT ROAD!!!! I cannot list anymore, my brain is tired. Goal: post & fall asleep by 10:30.