Sunday, March 2, 2014

Crow Peak Ascent 2013

My 1st Trail Run Series Event. My first 10k!

Wayne's first event. Or at least with me. Both of our first times attempting Crow Peak.

We started at the back of the pack. Wayne busted out with a pretty decent pace keeping up with the tail end of the pack ahead. I, having learned my lesson from the Rodeo Run, stayed back at my pace I knew would not kill me. I went ahead and let him get far ahead of me.

Not only was it now mid July and HOT, it was humid this year for our area, it was higher in elevation, it was a trail not a road and it was an ASCENT. It was mad hard for a while. Wayne busted my but for at least the first mile and a half up.

About HERE he began to loose pace and my endurance held strong.

 HERE is where I passed him. A selfie was a MUST.

By now the front runners were already on their way back down the mountain and we spent a lot of time literally HUGGING A TREE on the edge of the trail so they could pass.

When we started going through the SWITCH BACKS near the top I started gaining quite a bit of distance on Wayne (similar to what he had on me at the beginning).  

About a quarter of a mile to the top, he (Wayne) sat on a rock ready to call it good knowing we still had to go back down.

I went on and reaching the summit, which was also the 5k point. It was beautiful and amazing and exhilarating and awe striking. It was perfect.

Our pastor was actually at the top taking pictures for everyone. He had passed us down at the bottom on his way up to OFFICIATE A WEDDING AT THE SUMMIT!!!!!

Talk about amazing!! Oh to do it all again, maybe I would make everyone hike up _____ feet to see my exchange of vows. I never did see the bride....or bride in a dress anyway. We did pass many of her wedding party though.

Wayne came trudging up to the summit after about 10 minutes. We stayed up with Pastor Jim for about half an hour before heading back down.

About a half mile down, my knee gave out. It HURT. I hobbled the rest of the way down barely able to put any weight on it. IT TOOK ME FOREVER!!!!

Chris (STORES BLOG HERE) as you might remember, friend and daycare lady's husband, puts on the Rodeo Run and this Trail Series Run of the Crow Peak Ascent, actually ran up and removed all the flags, then ran back down, full 10k, well before I made it all the way down.

Wayne took a nap and made sure to make fun of me the entire way.

We got trekking pole instead of shirts for this race. Next time I'm taking them up with me!

I told Shannon I was going to blame her as I never have any knee troubles unless she is putting on the race! (I do have a prior injury from my previous running days and an encounter with a patch of ice-not my only injury from the like either.)

Almost 3 hours total and I completed the darn thing. Still felt great to have it under my belt and I didn't have to be carried off the mountain. I'll bargain it a win.

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