Friday, March 7, 2014

5 of 24

LONGEST DAY EVER, for a short day.

This morning I absolutely could not get my eyes to stay open.....until my phone rang at around 6. I knew right away it had to be SchoolReach. It was. It rained for quite a while last night (after being 63*) then turned to sleet, freezing rain and eventually snow. I had wondered how icy it would be come mooring. PRETTY DARN!!!! We got a 10am start. THEN I was wide awake.

I started to browse my phone. The baby came in and crawled on the bed. He said what sounded like "Gotchyou" as he wiped something on my shoulder. I didn't think much of it, thought maybe it was snot. Talked to him while I finished up my weather viewing. Wayne comes in from the bathroom and asks what's on my shoulder...... I don't know? What?

He picks up the baby and smells him.......YEP, POOP!!! 


Definitely up now!!!!! Wash baby off, jump in the shower, scrub vigorously. Hop out, have to find everybody and their dog clothes to wear, food to eat for breakfast and lunch. Wayne did not get a late start so he heads out early. I am left with very sluggish and disarrayed children. 

I made myself a smoothie, grabbed what I needed for the day and headed out the door. Forgot the smoothie, came back in and grabbed it. Freezing rain still falling from the sky, wipers are old and clearing nothing from the windshield, so I sit for a bit looking at the radar trying to see if it will get better or worse down the road???  Trying to find out if 3rd child's school is open or opening late, don't see anything on Facebook, email not working on this phone, screw it I will chance they are open and go there first....

Get to other town going 50mph and holding my breath when cars pass me....

Drop Luke off, get stopped at least 3 times between putting van in Park and reaching my room, reach my room unload bags, take food to lounge fridge, get stopped 5 more times, make it back to room, get called to another room, twice, come back eventually. Oldest kid asks what time it is..... 2 minutes past when the bus pulled away!!!!!!! Grrrrrrr!!!! Have to drive back across town and over to another edge of town and finally back. 

There's a mountain there somewhere ---->

Excuse the language on this one. 
Get stopped 2 times in the hall. Sit down on my ball at my dest for possibly five minutes, enough to almost open and read one email
and another teacher comes flying in my room asking if I'm coming to THE MEETING...... crud, that is today and right now. Fly to meeting down hall which lasts well into lunch time. Still have all of my paperwork from yesterday, due today before 2pm meeting. 

Eat a quick lunch of leftover chicken and rice with celery and carrots and hummus. Yum. I licked the hummus out of the tupperware, not going to lie.... I totally indulged on that, which was well deserved after my willpower to bypass the Guadalajaras chips and salsa in the lounge (my favorite). 

After all of that I had a little over an hour to pump out 3 more pieces of paperwork before the meeting. Totally mastered it. Then a key person to the meeting forgot.....but was close enough by to be able to get there in less than 5. Held a very quick meeting before the bell rang. Pumped out the last of the paperwork before the kids got off the bus and raced the freezing (refreezing) fog home. 

For snack we wanted to watch Catching Fire and eat popcorn. I figured if I didn't put any salt on it, could it really be that bad?? The popping oil looked like the worse part and I considered using straight up olive oil, but if it didn't heat up correctly and burnt the bottom of my popcorn machine pot, I would be more mad at myself than I would for if it weren't allowed. So I poured slightly less oil than usual and made the popcorn. IT WAS SOOOOOOO GOOD!!!

Later for "supper", I tried to eat a salad topped with peppers, leeks, chick peas and salmon.... from a pouch. If you recall, I had this for lunch on day1 and enjoyed it. Tonight....I could not stand it. I tried and tried, 4 bites of trying and I felt like I was going to be sick, so I stopped, grabbed 10 almonds and called it a meal. 

It's 8pm and I'm not hungry again yet. We are turning in early due to having to be out of the house by 6am to head out for district wrestling weigh ins a little over an hour away.

As I sit here, I do still feel guilty about the popcorn. And the fact I didn't get on the treadmill, or do yoga.....but I did tun around like mad today getting everything done. I'll compromise with that. 

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