Thursday, March 20, 2014

Day 18 of 24....

Not going to lie, today sucked. All the way around. 

I've had about enough of my sinus issues which feel like the gunk is moving to my chest. It feels absolutely terrible to do anything too physical and my energy is cut in half (I can't imagine how I would feel without my Spark and all my vitamins and supplements- probably the only thing keeping it from being full blown terrible). 

I'm also super busy at work but my first hour or two of the day I was very unmotivated to do the paperwork that needed done and preferred interaction wherever I could find it. This is not a bad thing, I just also need to finish the paperwork before it's due. 

I also had technical difficulties with said paperwork. It seems every time I need to make a deadline or need assistance on a piece of paperwork, Chrome fails me big time. It was still not functioning when I needed to head off to my afternoon meeting. 

There were yummy things all over the place too. Throughout the day I had a cookie, half a crescent and a small piece of heaven at my staff meeting, will not fess up to exactly what it was, but it was a favorite. 

I had scrambled eggs for breakfast, almonds for snack, salad with grilled chicken for lunch and a small bowl of spaghetti with a piece of baguette for supper. 

I did a LOT of core work bouncing on my ball chair, some yoga, some walking and some cleaning and building of an entertainment center! Okay I lied, mainly I watched, played gofer and helping with a little flipping it over and over and over. It is 6' long so it was a decent regiment of weight lifting. 

My phone is on the fritz. It has sound issues where it will work a while, then not, then work, then not. It likes to play with my emotions. It had never had issues with notifications before this week. It always rang and the alarms always sounded. This week it only rings when it feels like it. It screens it's own calls.....if only we could agree on who it could ring for and who it doesn't have to bother with it. Tonight I almost missed Nikki's call and company because the phone, name yet to be determined, was being pissy. It did let out the last two sound bars of a ring before going to voicemail so at least then I knew someone was trying to call, but then when I tried to answer it went rogue!!! The home row disappeared all together and I had to top search for my texts and phone icon. What a pain in the rear.

My goal for the next two days is to eat less, because it's a busy weekend socially for us and I know I will have a large calorie, sodium and processed intake through liquids alone ;) ;) Don't expect another post until Sunday. 

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