Friday, March 14, 2014

12 of 24, HALF WAY!!!!

Alright, alright, the scale said.....

No gain, no loss since day 5!! I was a little discouraged at first, then I took into account among other factors, that (this is the part I couldn’t find a nice way to share yesterday but then I decided I’m all about real life and telling it how it is, so I will let this eCard explain…) things get real in a day or two…

So now, I can’t wait til’ that’s over to step on the scale if it doesn’t do me in to cave in for the next week L

Day 12 of 24:

Remember said laundry mess from yesterday? Here is another REAL LIFE picture for you…..

I both love and hate to do my laundry sorting in the living room. On Laundry Day I wash around 8 loads of laundry throughout the day and sort around 24 loads. Yes, 24. Each of the 6 of us go through about a load a week. That’s 6 loads per week and I’m horrible, I generally let it build up about a month. I wash it the entire way through, but put it away only about once a month, hence the 8 verse 24. That’s real life right there. It does sound horrible. Once, I got rid of tons of clothes thinking there would be less clothes, wash them more often and have less to put away. Good theory. Didn’t last. We acquired more clothes from Christmas, birthdays, hand me downs and garage sales. I still didn’t have time or desire to wash more than one load per day or 2 days and people just ran out of their favorites faster.

So, anyway….my living room….

The sectional has 6 cushions, one for each person. The extras go in piles on the coffee table, out grown stuff, towels, bedding and donate stuff each get a designated pile on the floor in front of each cushion. It’s my system.

Problem is, when I’m done and put it all away, there still seems to be straggling stuff, and the put away process can take up to a week. Don’t ask. They help sometimes, if I let them. I don’t know why it takes that long, but it does.

I love the system, hate the task.

All in all, what I’m trying to say is my living room still looks like this:

I got overwhelmed and decided to walk away and take advantage of this nice day. (It’s supposed to snow tomorrow night after we are stuck in a gym all day tomorrow.) Since I didn’t get on the
treadmill this morning, I decided we would walk, run, ride to a park half way through my 5k practice route. The boys love going and I get me 3.5 miles in. It had been since before the October 3rd blizzard (Atlas) since we had gone and they had forgotten the way there.

As suspected, there were BIG puddles of icy water, no mind, we played anyway.

Jake tried the merry-go-round and gave awesome facial expressions. He wasn’t sure at first but then laughed and laughed. He also went down the slide, first with Andy, then by himself a few times. (They get more independent each order of birth down the line and you learn to let them.)

He took his boots off and chucked a sock on the way there that we never did recover. He wouldn’t leave his shoes on and stepped in the puddle barefoot. That’s about the time we left. He screamed the ENTIRE way home.

If you know me, then you know my every thought, word, act, look, makes a statement. It's how I roll. Today I wore an old sweatshirt from my father-in-law, my wrestling shorts over maroon spandex leggings, and long white socks, hair still caked with albs of hair spray from the boys' do the day before. I know I looked darn good. HOT MESS!!!!!!

I remembered my supplements today. Before my breakfast burrito (just eggs and cheese, no meat, spinach tortilla)…

I actually tried to have half a glass of milk (I LOVE MILK), but it didn’t taste good at all!! I ended up dumping it. I couldn’t believe it! The cleanse truly does reset your cravings, taste buds and habits if you let it!

Before lunch of leftover swiss steak, no sides. And with all the meals.

I did get Luke’s room cleaned, rearranged and the dresser switched out with Zach’s in the afternoon. That was another workout in itself. Their clothes can now be put away.

Wayne got us entered into a March Madness thing with XRock (local radio) so we took a drive over to Sturgis to Sturgis Liquor where we drew for our positions and got gift cards for booze. YES!!! If our “teams” we drew get in the final four, we get to stay free in Deadwood. If they win, there are tons of prizes. The girl before us drew Arizona. Wayne thinks she will get it. Whatever, I got free booze!!

For supper it was all about the PIE!!!!! When your husband is a mathematician (with an education degree), you celebrate PIE DAY (3.14; March 14th) to it’s fullest. For a decade now he has received whatever pie I feel the desire to make, except the 2 years my neighbor made one for us, those years I just let her.

Last year I made this one:

NAILED IT!!!!!!!!

This year I made CHESSEBURGER PIE for supper (one of Wayne’s favorites).

And PEANUTBUTTER PIE (OMG!!!!) for dessert…..

Wayne, Andy & I took tiny smudgy slivers as Andy has to make weight in the morning or is booted from Regionals and doesn’t go on to State. I hate that he has to make weight so young, but really he doesn’t need to eat as much as he does and it’s a great life lesson for him. I had about 4 bites of mine and then stopped. That gave me enough of a belly ache. I had looked for a Paleo recipe to make and found TONS, but didn’t have the ingredients nor time to get to the store. Most called for cocoanut oil, which I have a huge container of coming in my Bountiful Basket TOMORROW. So I indulged and made the rich one and took 4 bites. Again, FOR SHAME!!! My belly ache was a natural consequence.

I cave…..I will be stepping on the scale every morning as I normally do when not on the cleanse. I want to see if I fluctuate, lose or gain on a daily basis now. After day 24, I may share numbers and photos. We’ll see if I have the guts. My short term goal is 14lbs, my long term goal is 34. My ideal BMI says I should lose 54!!!! BMI has never been realistic to me. If I lose 34, I would be perfectly content with the number and the figure and the size of clothes and how they fit. If I lose 54, I would look like that girl that won The Biggest Loser that everyone chastised….. Leave her alone by the way. Addicted to exercise, so what? SO many worse things to be addicted to if you are going to have an addiction. I do agree there is such a thing as too skinny, but I didn’t think she was it. She looks fine to me, like a runway model really, and she has had enough cut downs for a lifetime. She worked her ass off, literally and probably is right where her BMI says to be. Those things are harsh. Rant complete.

Tune in tomorrow for how to handle another weekend in the bleachers, crowded, hungry, dieting, menstruating, holding down a toddler, routing on your kids, and all without alcohol, pop, chocolate, sugar, salt, or really any other indulgence you normally use to cope. Likely more ranting to commence. Don’t miss out!

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