Wednesday, March 12, 2014

DAY 10!!!!! Last Day of the CLEANSE phase!!!

Check, Check, CHECK!

It feels amazing to have made it through the cleanse phase and I can't wait to step on the scale in the morning. I also can't wait to have a glass of milk and some moderation of course ;) ;) 

What this means is that I have completed 10 days of clean eating, 6 with fiber drinks, all with omega3, and most with probiotics. All with vitamins and minerals and all with the Spark energy drink, my FAVORITE thing by far. 

I have also started a workout regiment within these 10 days that I will continue to build upon. 

The next 14 days of the 24 I will continue on portion control, working out, supplements and mostly clean eating (I'm so adding back in the dairy). 

Day 10 of 24:

Today I was in a hurry from the moment my feet hit the clothes pile that long ago replaced my carpet, bedroom wide. I hurried and got out of bed, nope, that is why I was in a hurry from the moment I got OUT of bed. Still my worse feat right there. I hurried and got appropriate workout gear on. I hurried and ran. I hurried and showered. I hurried and got the kids ready. I hurried and got the kids out the door. I hurried and got my stuff gathered. I hurried and looked around for the always Lost Lukie Lynn. I hurried him out the door. I hurried him and his brother out of the van to retrieve their junk from the day before off the curb and back into the house. I hurried and drive to the next town, 4 schools and parked. I hurried to see what the school breakfast was because there wasn't any at my house (only there was perfectly delicious looking eggs under a large spatula in a pan on the stove that I entirely missed, darn it!). The school lunch looked yummy but was carbs and sugar all over. I hurried out to recess duty. I hurried and got in almost one more mile around the playground. I hurried back in and took my fiber drink. I hurried  savored 15 lovely, crunchy almonds. 

Then I slowed down a little. I managed to complete my entire week's list BY WEDNESDAY MORNING!!! 

I was still hungry so I started nibbling on my lunch cold. It was a second attempt at the steak, sweet potatoes (this time seasoned with nutmeg and pumpkin spice) and squashed squash. I ate some of the potatoes and squash and all the meat. Much better. 

After lunch I handed out all my Murder Mystery Characters to my fellow teachers participating. Can't wait!! Collected Lukie Lynn from his preK teacher on the playground and collected all things necessary to leave for spring break!!!!!! As soon as those bus kids walked int the door, we briskly walked to the van, loaded up and headed for the hills. Literally. 

We went up to The Lodge at Deadwood to swim in their very kid friendly pool. My friend and in a round about way, neighbor, Angie and her 4 boys joined my oldest3 and the oldest's friend.

 8 boys in the water, two moms chatting. Good afternoon right there. I didn't do as much water contact as I had considered, but the hot tub felt great on my feet. 

After swimming for 2 hours we pried them from the water to have a snack at the restaurant side before heading back down the hills. 

Poor Angie, right after the food showed up, her 2 year old puked all over. She bailed, I helped clean up and kept her oldest with my crew. They downed an appetizer of nachos. I MAY HAVE TAKEN 3 tiny BITES. 

FOR SHAME!!!!!!!!!! I admit. Cheater cheater nacho eater. And they were 3 ABSOLUTELY AMAZING cheesy chicken covered chip bites. Now I have guilt gut. 

After paying the bill, I dropped the friend in Spearfish, grabbed the baby late from daycare (Again SORRY Shannon!!!) then the other friend next door, and finally home. 

OH WAIT!!!! Who should we pull up next to on the edge of town heading out of Spearfish, but my husband int he driver's ed car. I stayed right next to them FOREVER. The girl in the back seat waved, I waved, I pointed at my husband, she looked confused, so I LAID ON THE HORN. That poor little girl driving the car jumped so hard. I actually thought for a slight millisecond she may smash my husband into the ditch, but only for a millisecond, then I laughed my ass off and sped away as a clearly great example of an excellent and courteous driver. I got a call moments later. 

Totally worth it. 

When back at the house, noone seemed to be able to decide on supper so here is the rundown:

Wayne and Kandi: leftover burrito bowls
Andy: taco salad with spinach
Zach: mac and cheese
Luke: taco salad, hold the spinach
Jake: taco meat, chips from the floor, crumbs from the counter, leftover apple he's been working on for 3 days, a drink of my tea, some almond milk, some regular milk, some undone mac noodles, some hot water, some dry cheese from the pouch, some butter strait off the stick, large handfuls of mac and cheese, salsa, toothpaste, boogers and Johnson's Baby Lotion

The net hour was consumed by conversations of Factoring, kids who can't factor, kids who need to be able to factor, kids who puked, kids who swam, kids who go to Catholic church, neighbor kids, teacher's kids, kids in general. Then there was some Murder Mystery character talk, some MM memories, and more characters handed out. 

At this point I looked around my house and saw every body on an electronic devise. For a while huddled around one, then each on their own. I booted them all off and put on kids yoga. I hadn't introduced the boys to it yet and I felt the need to work off those 3 bites of nachos. 

After yoga we all melted onto the couch then the bed.  Day 10 down. Not too bad, and I can honestly say, I'm ready to continue!! BRING IT ON!!!! 


  1. Kandi, I don't know how you do it!!! I love reading your stuff and feel a sigh of relief at the end of your day!! YOU GO GIRL
    Miss you!

  2. You are an amazingly busy lady! Hope your kids don't get sick from William. Luckily, they were in a chlorine pool.
