Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Day 3 of 24

Zach always seems to hit the nail on the head as to how I feel
any given day. Here he is tucked inside of the ittey bitty oven
of my play kitchen in my classroom.

Today went better than yesterday....challenge wise. As for my overall faith in the human race, not as good as yesterday. Let's just say I'm EXTREMELY happy to be sitting on my bed right now. 

This morning I woke up with what felt like a cross between acid reflux and the start of strep throat (2 of the boys did have that a week or so ago-power of persuasion?). I drank water, drank spark, drank fiber, drank water. Still, sore throat. 

Wayne wanted sustenance for breakfast so he made scrambled eggs with Mrs. Dash seasoning (low salt) and whole grain toast..... I may have taken a couple of bites. He didn't hear me say (3 times!) that the toast cannot be added back in until after the cleanse phase. I felt bad that he had already made it and it looked so darn good, so I did compromise a little in taking a couple of nibbles. 

It is Wednesday, so naturally we were running behind as this a morning "duty day" for me at the school and it is always the day we can't seem to get out the door on time. Last week I got my days mixed up and didn't even get out for my duty, so upon my arrival today I got a standing ovation from our maintenance man and our gym teacher for my presence. (In all fairness I did write a note complete with chocolate and coffee last week.) It was SO NICE OUT today with the above freezing temp and the sun shining on us, it felt so therapeutic. I did my usual laps around the playground sidewalk with a following of sweet minders in tow. I get about a mile (13.5 laps) in before the bell rings on an average duty if there aren't too many occurrences. I really don't mind duty days....when it's ABOVE 20 degrees out. 

Before I knew it, it was 11am and people were starting to eat lunch. Our early release staff development days are mad busy, crazy, quick. I never had a snack....which could have been why I was a bit grouchy between 9:30 and, no it wasn't why. 

For some reason it took me until noon to warm up my lunch. I brought a leftover Taco Tater from last night's supper and the last of my pineapple and blackberries. Reminder to self: You do NOT like hot avocado. Take guacamole in separate container to top with after warming next time. 

Stirred it up good and it was fine. I had lunch gone in no time. Then it was on to more meetings for the day in various locations. I felt like I was rushing around and hurrying all day. It was actually kind of nice, it felt active and didn't give me a chance to get sluggish. 
My day described in an eCard.

On the way back to our school from another school, a group of fellow teachers stopped at DQ for a BLIZZARD!!! It was like since it got above freezing they had to celebrate with a frozen treat?!?!?! I placed myself on an opposite side of the room from them and made myself another Spark drink which was super yummy, took care of a flavor craving, broke up the monotony of the bland ice tea and gave me a burst of energy to tackle the afternoon meetings. 

After the meetings I hurried the kids into the van, collected the other two kids and didn't get to the house until around 5:15, which is an hour later than usual and really helped take care of the afternoon hunger that hits with a vengence around 4:30. We had a roast and carrots and potatoes in the crock pot ready to eat when we got home. LOVE LOVE LOVE my crockpot meals. 

We usually use dry onion soup mix, a dash of soy and Worcestershire in our basic roast blend. We double checked the sodium content and decided per capita of water volume, it should hopefully be diluted enough(???).  I usually smash the veggies on my plate and CAKE them in butter. Oh how I love butter (and sour cream and cheese and all dairy, I MISS DAIRY), but I held strong and put a teaspoon of my guac, a few shakes of tobasco (no autocorrect, NOT tobacco) and some of the juice from the roast on it, then LOTS of pepper. I mean LOTS, like I open the side you are supposed to use for a spoon and shake it onto my food until it takes on a grey color. I have always been that way, I like pepper, I like peppers, I like hot sauce, I like spicy. 

This is actually a full cup of potatoes, which is around one full baked potato size, and one full carrot squished onto the entire surface of my plate and topped with 1/2 a cup, or 4ish ounces of lean cut (I hope) roast meat. It looks like A LOT and was very filling. I had one delicious strawberry for dessert again and a full 32oz glass of iced tea with Omega and later Herbal Cleanse. 

Although not currently in breakdown mode,
it's happened before from less. 
After copious amounts of homework, recap of the day's frustrations with the hubby, tucking 4 kids into bed and using the bathroom half a dozen times, I finally crawled into bed and called it a day. I am surprised at how little I actually consumed today. Yay me! Feeling stronger about this challenge today. 

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