Sunday, March 2, 2014

Hay Fever 2013...

My first event of 2013 was the Hay Fever Run/Walk

This one is put on by the Belle Fourche Community Center, also known as "Belle Rec". It was a new route for me. They have awesome shirts and decent door prizes and their theme is based on a song every year. Love it.

You can sort of see the (red) shirt design in this one.
Forgot to take the road ID  & shirt one this time :(

My door prize was this fitness challenge pass. 

Usually I am otherwise occupied the first weekend of June with my anniversary, a garage sale and sometimes my Holdrege trip. This year I made sure to make the Hay Fever a priority though. I had goals to make at least three 5k races and beat a PR (personal record for those of you not up with runner lingo).

This is the only summer race in Belle with a kid's race, or at least the only one I know of that we are around for. I decided to put Zach in it to introduce him to competitive running and see how he would do since he could run circles around his brothers on their bikes.

The kids' race is before the other races. If you are under 6, you go .25 miles around the track once. 6 and older go two laps .5 miles around. There were actually quite a few under 6 and only one over 6, who happened to be my daycare lady and good friend Shannon's son.

Zach started out the race alright but then seen our neighbor boy walking in the back and decided to stop and wait for him. It was cute, but I wanted to let him know it is like any other sport, we don;t let up or quit or back off to wait for others.

I also had Zach entered in to do my 2 mile race with me. This race was a 2 mile or a 4 mile and I decided to start the year with a 2 mile walk. Zach was running ahead of the group with a girl then fading back to where I was, then running ahead, then fading back for the first mile and a half. By the last half mile he was getting tired and lagging behind a bit then running to catch up, then lagging  behind, then running to catch up. The end finished going up hill. Zach was gassed at this point and I told him I was going to finish at my pace but he needed to walk up the sidewalk and through the flags and finish. I pushed Jake across the finish line with a new PR and 4th place finish. Zach crossed a minute later with a 1st place finish for the kids in the 2 mile.

We were happy with this.

....and with the Orange Julius's that DQ gave us at the finish line :)

Next year.... the half mile race for Zach and the 4 mile for me.

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