Monday, March 10, 2014

8 of 24

Second day waking up at the "same" time, old 5 and new 5. I figured today would go MUCH worse than it did. I didn't whew anyone's ass like I thought I would. Yay me!!

I think it's actually day 3 when it hits the out tomorrow people!!

This morning it was time to go back to fiber drinks. I have to admit, other than the minute thirty it takes me to get it down, I really don't mind it. 

I couldn't get my eyes to stay open this morning until my husband pried me off the bed to a sitting position. Once I got out of bed and brushed my teeth, I wanted to run! So I asked if the boys could shower first and I could have JUST 15 MINUTES ON THE TREADMILL. I got them. 15 lovely ass kicking minutes. I had to do a run-walk-run regiment and push hard. My chest burned, my nose burned, my head burned. It sucked and was glorious all at the same time. 

Let me tell you about my fluid intake this morning:

First I drank a spark drink.
Next I drank my fiber drink.
Then I drank my smoothie. 

I made a possible record number of trips to the bathroom. 

We all even made it out of the house on time! Then the damn buses at the school decided to leave early yet again. It really makes me mad that they keep creeping their time back. I keep seeing kids have to run down icy alleys and across semi-busy streets to make it. When you say you leave at 7:45, then leave at 7:45, not 7:42, those 3 minutes matter immensely when you are walking down a slippery street, or driving down one, or making multiple stops, or really, doing anything. It matters. Routines are routines and creeping them back a couple minutes each week causes a domino affect. Mine did make it onto a bus. One had to ride on a different bus than usual, but that he made it to school just the same, so whatever. 

At 9am I had 15 almonds and some cashew dust from the bottom of the cashew can. Don't judge, it was yummy. 

For lunch I had leftover cabbage, veggie, beef mix and a third of a grapefruit which really set off my Hand, Foot & Mouth disease.....yep, every year. Did you know you are supposedly only supposed to get it once like the chicken pox and then be immune.....not my family. Every flipping year! Usually in the fall. This time I am pretty sure it started with Jake. They really aren't terrible unless you actually get them in your mouth, on your tongue. Those little suckers hurt like hell. That's where I'm at, but it has definitely kept me from eating much of anything spicy, or citrusy, or vinegary.... basically all the foods I like, so I guess there's a plus side, I can't engorge even if I wanted to. Currently I am vigorously running a throat lozenge around my tongue and pallet and saying multiple swear words inside my head. It hurts something fierce. 

I did drink a second Spark in the afternoon to head off the 5am aftereffect before yoga.

For supper we had Burrito Bowls for the first time ever.....YUM!!!

I read someone's blog post with their recipe, then lost it and came up with my own version.... it's a burrito in a bowl, over brown rice, aren't they all similar??


I had to heat the chicken in a seperate skillet than the vegetables because the boys wouldn't touch it if it were covered in peppers and onions. Normally I don't care (if they don't eat it), but they had wrestling practice tonight and I wanted protein in them. 

I threw some minced onion, minced garlic and a dash of low sodium chicken broth in a pot with 2 cans of chicken and simmered it while in another skillet I put a little olive oil, some Garlic Herb Mrs. Dash, leaks, sliced onion and sliced green pepper and more minced garlic. 

While that simmered and sautéd, I steamed 4 cups of brown rice in 4 cups of water in my Pampered Chef vegetable steamer (it gets used just as much for rice as for veggies) in the microwave for around 6 minutes. 

...and while all that was going on, I mixed:

1 can of black beans, drained and rinsed
1 cup of frozen sweet corn
1 can of Rotel
1 vigorous shake of Italian seasoning
1 teaspoon of chili powder
1 teaspoon of lemon juice 
1-2 Tablespoons of tomato sauce

In a bowl. I would have thrown in a dash of sugar also but not while doing the challenge. 

All in all the entire meal took less than 10 minutes!!!! 

When it was all done Wayne and I's looked like this....

We also topped it with a bit of salsa from the National Spicy Food Conference in Albuquerque that my coworker went to with her spicy mustard collection.  (While she was gone, the heat in her room went out and the room was in the 40* range all week, still is this week- they are holding their class in the art room in the mean time). She was kind enough to share some in the lounge with chips. I couldn't have any of the chips, or the amazing homemade chips from the local Mexican restaurant that were in the other lounge, but I put a bit of the salsa in my empty lunch container to top the burrito bowls I had planned for tonight! It was great salsa! One was some sort of jalapeño and the other was a garlic artichoke. She also left some spicy peanut brittle in the other lounge that I have a piece of each stashed for after the challenge. I doubt they have a whole lot of sugar, but just to be safe. :) 

The burrito bowls were a hit with the hubby. The kids had the chicken with cheese in tortillas and bypassed the rest. They are also very into Ramen Noodles at the moment and will jump at any chance to have them as a snack, side or meal replacement, so they had that with their "wraps" and half a cup of rice. Carb overload. Whatever. 

If I could get my tongue to quit hurting, I'd call the whole thing a win. 

We shall see what morning brings with the impending snow storm. I will wake up at 5 to run and see if 6 brings a school reach call. The forecast....



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