Tuesday, March 18, 2014

16 down, 8 to go....

Another 2 hour late start, another jumbled morning. 

Spearfish got 13" and a 2 hour late start.....

Belle got 8" and no late start.....

There were 4 accidents on the way over....

Before the plows.....

Too pretty not to take pics.....

Wonder if this tree will snap the lines and cut power to the school again?

Do I really Have to stop then???

I got a little high centered a couple times, but made it through scraping the undercarriage. Had to ram through some thick stuff to make turns. This car wasn't as lucky turning into his apartments....

The boys love the "Mom's Room Time" though...

There's a computer for everyone and cable!!!!! On a huge screen!!!

At this point none wants to make up any more school, but I really could have used a snow day!! I woke up feeling like HOT GARBAGE. I really considered giving up my last personal day (other than the one I am saving for Zach's field trip to the Wildlife Sanctuary). I eventually got out from under the covers, fought off the congestion and got in the shower. I felt much better after that and a healthy dose of Ibueprofen. 

I seem to be able to do my spark and my 30 minute pre-meal regiment, however I CANNOT REMEMBER to take my lunch supplements GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!! Phone alarm on it's way!!

Breakfast I made an omelet to go and a meal replacement shake hoping to bypass the midmorning almond crunch. I felt full and it lasted until 12:45 when I warmed up lunch. 

Taco meat and a wedge of cheddar jack in a spinach wrap with Frank's. 
Carrots & hummus. Pear. YUM YUM YUM. I was very full with this!!! YAY!!!

No pm snack today either! I don't know if the hormones regulated, the storm passed, or the one meal replacement shake in the morning made all the difference??? I liked it though. 

Yoga at 1:30, ran errands after school. Got home in time to make supper. Wayne made steaks, amazing steaks. We got mushrooms in our Bountiful Basket, you aren't to eat them on the cleanse, but I couldn't remember if it applied after the first 10 days? Weeeeelll, they go bad fairly fast and I wasn't about to waste them, so I cooked them up with onion and garlic to top the steak. SERIOUSLY AMAZING!!!!! We made sweet potato bake and I had my first glass of milk. It was all so yummy. 

I feel a little miserable after eating my 6oz of steak, my veggie toppings and a few bites of the sweet potato bake. I really wanted to run after putting the boys in bed, while Wayne was out doing some March Madness Draft with the male teaching crew. I didn't get to it though. Jake is in some awful phase where its all I can do not to sit on him, or duck tape him. Then there's Luke, he has no body control and is in an
incredibly immature phase. It wore me out. My sinuses started to seep back into awareness and I threw in the towel. We watched a disney movie (NOT FROZEN, I'm tired of that one already, thank goodness I have all boys, just for that scenario. We got it on Vodoo a couple weeks back and watched it in theater.... don't get e wrong, I love musicals and Disney is top notch in my book, I will watch it at least a dozen more times, but not tonight). 

My to-do list for this week is incredibly long. I spent February feeling like it drug on forever, now that it's March, there hasn't been time to breathe and I want February back. 

Luke was registered for Kindergarten today and I have a meeting on his Speech Articulation tomorrow. 2 other meetings this week, back to back social functions over the weekend, a possible road trip to Gillette- only if the weather is perfect, I HATE THAT ROAD!!!! I cannot list anymore, my brain is tired. Goal: post & fall asleep by 10:30. 

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