Tuesday, March 11, 2014

9 of 24

Yep! Late start today. All I can say is I've taken for granted how much Wayne does for us in the morning. He did not get a late start and left very shortly after getting out of bed. Lunches weren't packed (we are slipping, they used to be done the night before), a book needed read again with the 1st grader, breakfast needed made, clothes located, snow wear was scattered everywhere, the kids weren't even awake yet! I hadn't showered, hadn't gotten in my run yet, car was covered in snow, streets and sidewalks were too. I highly underestimated the time it would take to accomplish it all. 

I made a Spark drink and hopped on the treadmill to use my new C25K app that Nikki found....much better than the one I had used before from Pinterest, and it was free. (Real Mac users don't pay for apps, just thousand dollar machines.) I really liked the app. It played an existing playlist from my iTunes and voiced over when it was time to run, jog, warm up and cool down. The flow of sequence of the walk/jog was just right too. I really got into a groove with it and found myself starting to bump the speeds a second or two before the voice over came on just by the feeling of the timing. It felt much better than how I was trying to go about easing back into running. It was definitely a good workout as well. 

While I ran I pulled the curtain open and watched it snow. It was very picture-esk and peaceful. It was also a good reminder of why I have a treadmill and don't run outside. Not the cold, but the broken bones on ice. 

After the run and the shower and getting all the kids up and dressed and fed and moving, I made myself the my first meal replacement shake. I used the recommended amount of water plus a Magic Bullet cup full of ice, then blended it all up in the Magic Bullet. 

I tasted like a Wendy's Frosty with less sugar. (I had ordered the chocolate mocha flavor vs the other options). Not bad.  I poured into my shaker cup and ran out the door. 

With all of our underestimated timing, the air had began to warm and the plows had gotten out on the main roads, so they were cleared and wet and I was able to go the speed limit which was a definite plus at this point. The snow was wet and thick and very pretty.....

Downtown Spearfish got around 8" while downtown Belle supposedly got 3.5". I did not drive that way to verify it, but I know when the National Weather Service called for my snowfall total report during the blizzard in October, they said their last report didn't sound accurate....so I wonder if any of the reports from whoever is giving them from "downtown Belle" are accurate....I can tell you my house on the hill on the South edge of town got more like 5-7 inches by the time it was all said and done. It didn't actually stop snowing until I got a few miles South of town, the pictures I took were from over an hour before that. 

The 8" of snow was piled high in the middle of roads making crossing intersections or driveways interesting. It was pretty soft to plow through, but definitely came over the bumper in spots. 

Lunch came pretty quick after a short morning. I had leftover swiss steak and potato smothered in Habenero Tobasco and a cutie.

At 1:30 it was Namaste time. I downed a Spark right before because I felt like I was going to nap right there on the rug. 

Supper was supposed to be a turkey sausage and pasta skillet meal, but would't you know, it missed being printed when I made the meal plan and I could;t find it on my Pinterest board, so I combined similar recipes. It looked amazing.....

Cook Pasta
Saute onions or leaks or pepers or all
I added asparagus (YUM)
with garlic and Mrs. Dash of course

On top of the cooked pasta:
EVOO (they called for 1/2 a cup, I didn't do that much and I wouldn't recommend it)
1 teaspoon crushed red pepper
more minced garlic

top the noodles with the turkey/veggie mix

And tasted pretty good (evident by toddler shoveling it in), but had way too much EVOO. I felt so sick after eating it and needed to either find a way to throw it up or settle it. It was that bad. Lesson learned. I decided to air pop some popcorn in the microwave WITHOUT EVOO to help absorb and scrape it out of my system. It helped. But my gut still hurts. Epic Fail on that one. 

Then Nikki goes and posts her TACO TUESDAY Tacos!!! TORTURE!!!! After he bacon wrapped stuffed peppers she brought for lunch!!! .....no really, I don't mind and her Challenge is over, But I know she is possibly the only person who reads every one of these posts, and reads them to the end so naturally, I had to post about it. 

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