Sunday, March 2, 2014

Silver Run 2013...

The Silver Run is the run/walk event in my hometown Holdrege, Nebraska that is part of their Swedish Days Festival on Father's Day weekend every June. I had participated in this run in high school when I ran Cross Country years ago and not since.

This year I decided I would walk the 2 mile with my mom and sister. At the last minute my brother-in-law decided to join us. I'm glad he did! He set our pace much faster than I would have.

My high school cross country coach is actually now the mayor of my hometown and still puts on the race. He started us off and yelled words of encouragement by the finish line. It was very nostalgic. 

The whole thing was nostalgic as the course was my old running route too. I enjoyed every minute of the race. 

Best 2 mile pace ever. We pushed each other and finished strong. My sister got pretty competitive at the end and almost took out our old school nurse and her crew, but all is well that ends well. 

Shawn got 1st is his age division, Tiff and I got 4th and 5th in our division and Mom got 9th in her division. 

One thing I didn't like was how we all got jumbled in the shoot AFTER the finish line. I know for a fact I got someone else's time. Mine was in the 29 minutes, I synchronized my stopwatch with theirs and they gave me a 30 minute time. People pushed passed me in the shoot after the finish line and it was a little frustrating.

Two 2 milers in the books for the season!!

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