Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Day 2 of 24 of The Challenge...

Woke up today, wanted to run on the Treadmill..... kids stole the little magnet thing that trips it when you trip..... won't start without it. No morning run for me. Must come up with something creative before tonight.

Fiber drink, day two, as bad as day one, but handled it.

Breakfast: Vanilla protein powder, Spark energy drink, strawberries and ice = smoothie
I could handle one of these every day. I used to handle at least one every day in the summers. YUM.

This held me over until around 10:30. Ate a banana and some nuts. Super busy at school today so didn't think about being hungry too much..... in the morning.

1pm....starving once I thought about it. 

Last night's Supper
Leftover Chicken Rice Meal from last night's supper, pineapple & blackberries, carrots and celery with roasted red pepper hummus.

Yesterday I craved something warm for lunch. I have never been a cold lunch fan. Today, craved all my cold foods and barely touched my hot entree. Don't ask, I stated to my girls, "my tastebuds have gone bipolar, they are one way then the other." 

So what I actually ate was more like 1/4 cup of my brown rice chicken and veggie stir "fry", 1/4 a stalk of celery, 1 whole carrot, 1/8 cup -maybe- of roasted red pepper hummus, 1/2 a cup of pineapple and blacckberries and a little bit of tea.

I really struggled with my fluid intake today. I did so good yesterday, today I had only drank 20 of my 92 ounces by lunch. 

Around 1:30 I tried to do my yoga regiment that I do with a student to promote body awareness. The series we use is really fast paced and definitely makes you break a sweat if you do it right. About 12 minutes in I was purely EXHAUSTED!! I couldn't wait for the sleeping pose at the end. I felt DRAINED....and by the time we were done, I was hungry again. Days 2-4 are supposed to leave you sluggish and hungry.....yep, feeling that.

I decided to see if another Spark drink would give me a pick-me-up. I chugged my tea and made the Spark. It kicked in and I was able to get through the afternoon.

Was extremely happy for my teacher bladder today, I made it!
I have a 15 minute drive from one town to the next on the way home. I started feeling like bladder was full about the time I hopped out to pick up the last kid. I got him buckled and hopped back in the van, about a block away from daycare I began to wonder just how much I drank in such a short amount of time and if I was going to make it back across town. Wouldn't you know I hit EVERY red light and someone got into the turning lane going the wrong way causing me to miss my gap in traffic to turn off the highway onto my last street. By now I had to go so bad I skipped the mailbox another day (it has now been almost a week since it has been checked for numerous reasons), took a highschooler looking drifting turn around the snowy street corner, battled traction up the snowy hill, flew up the driveway, slammed it in park and RAN into the house, leaving all four kids behind and mad dashing to their bathroom. LONGEST pee ever. I did go back out for the toddler who was not letting his brother get him out of his seat. That was a close one.

We all had a handful of nuts to hold us over while I made supper. Unfortunately Wayne is back to driving kids for Driver's Ed after school until 6, so we don't eat until closer to 6:30 by the time he comes home. By then I am ravenous! 

I forgot to take a pic, so this is a google image,
but if I could eat dairy this is what my potato would look like.
Mine tonight had no yellow or white but more green and red. 

Baked potatoes
Homemade Guacamole, dairy free 
Salsa & Tobasco (not tobacco) 
Taco Meat
1 delightful strawberry for dessert to diminish the sweet tooth

HomeMade Guac Recipe:
Also a Google Image,
mine looked just as awesome.
Why am I forgetting the pics?
SO uncharacteristic of me :(

2 avacadoes smashed
1/4 cup salsa
1 teaspoon of taco seasoning
1/2 teaspoon chili powder
dash of Mrs. Dash seasoning
2 TBSP of lemon juice

Stir well & serve. 

I felt full after eating the Loaded Taco Tater, but I really wanted to eat all the boys' leftovers.... I seriously thought about hiding behind the counter and devouring their buttery, cheesy deliciousness..... but no, I found the will power to stick it in a container for someone's lunch (not mine) tomorrow. I also packed up my Chicken Fried Steak and mashed potatoes smothered in country gravy for Luke's lunch (it had been locked in the SPED lounge fridge over the weekend and I didn't get to eat it before I started the Cleanse, AND my amazing breakfast fajita for Andy's lunch tomorrow (also locked in the lounge over the weekend). I really cannot recall why I didn't eat it Thursday or Friday.....oh yes, yes I can. Andy called sick on my lunch Thursday and I got Taco John's on my way back to work and Friday we had our end of the month PotLock Lunch in the Kindergarten lounge and Velada chocolate for dessert in my K-R room (AMAZING)......you can see the other reason I need the 24 day challenge!

I hope they enjoy their lunches. I will be having a leftover taco tater.... which I will savor, those are REALLY GOOD and surprisingly I had never made one before last month when Nikki said they were allowed during The Challenge. It's a new favorite and once I can add sour cream and cheese back in, they will be to die for. 

I almost forgot my Omega at supper. Around 8pm my sluggishness returned. I got everyone tucked in and headed to write this blog. (Yes, I remembered my Herbal Cleanse before bed). 

Day Two Down. 

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