Sunday, March 9, 2014

7 of 24

PSYCH! ....I can't stop posting, I have too much to say!!!! 

It really does hold me accountable and there really are enough eCards out there to keep me going as well. 

Remember yesterday when I said waking up even an hour early and altering your routine even that much affects your metabolism and blood sugar so much????
 we have daylight savings time. Spring AHEAD, 'nuff said!

For breakfast this morning I made this....

My favorite stir fry. I started making it in High School when I didn't want what the family was having or when the family was nowhere to be found and I needed a meal before or after work/activities. I start with peppers and onions (today I also added leaks) and let them start to sauté (in EVOO) Then cover them with hash browns. Sprinkle seasonings on top of that (Mrs. Dash low sodium this time). DO NOT TOUCH THEM!!!! Wayne made this mistake multiple times and got chewed out every single time. You don't touch Kandi's hashbrowns!!!! When I make hash browns I like them to get nice and crispy, almost burnt on bottom, then flip them ONCE and wait again until they are nice and crispy. After both sides are browned nice and crispy, only then do I add scrabbled eggs, poured right over the top, and stir them. Normally I also add a substantial amount of cheese, which really is the best part...but still no dairy during the cleanse. Lord help me, there's still 3 more days of that shit! I also normally drizzle ketchup and tobasco on top. Today I did salsa and tobasco instead. Why? BECAUSE I FELT LIKE IT!

Best meal of the day right there. 

Midmorning I thought I might wither and die so I ate a spoonful of peanut butter. 

I "worked out" by engaging in a cleaning frenzy for around an hour. It looks better in here, but not clean. I made a plan for spring break cleaning and made plans to take the boys swimming at The Lodge on the first day of spring break. Watch they probably won't have the pool open that one time. Not 5 minutes later Andy got a call from an old friend to go do just that, swim at The Lodge. Ironic. 

For Lunch we had an amazing mix of cabbage, lean beef, leaks and other veggies baked together. I topped it with some Balsamic vinegar. I can not tell you how badly I wanted to fill another bowl of it, a bigger bowl. It was SO GOOD and I was so hungry.

I lied, this was the best meal of the day. 

Late afternoon I again felt the hunger pains of death and had a FROZEN spoonful of peanut butter while we watched Frozen. Not the reason. I had frozen some spoonfuls of PB to later pack to leave the house to places. I figured they'd take longer to get gooey if I did it that way, but then I forgot about them......until today. 

For supper we had steak, sweet potatoes and squash. They were plain without the butter topping and salty rubs. They sucked in comparison and my tastebuds became VERY ANGRY and I couldn't eat them. At this point I was incredibly furious and grouchy. I left my plate and walked away. It sounded so good and it looked good, but it just wasn't. Not tonight anyway. Now I'm starved though. 

I may go make some plain ass popcorn or eat another spoonful of pb. I'm feeling like if someone tempted me with a six pack and a pound right now, I'd eat in all without blinking. I am so hungry and want junk food so bad. Not going to do it though. I will instead put my running shoes on, put the baby to bed and hit the treadmill. 

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