Thursday, March 6, 2014

4 of 24

Big news today: No fiber drink this morning, switched to probiotic something, just in time too, coworkers are dropping like flies. I'm hoping the probiotic helps me ward of their plague??

My plans at work were to do paperwork all day. I have lots of it due tomorrow. Wouldn't you know the update last weekend on the site we use for our paperwork had glitches and operator navigational issues. Once the navigation issues were worked out I was able to get about 1/3 of it done. My day tomorrow will now have to be overly productive before 2pm. Lots of SPARK tomorrow. Extremely glad I took my ball in last week to replace my chair. I can feel it in my legs and core so when I am stuck at my desk all day, at least it isn't a total waste. 

My room was so full of adults this afternoon during body awareness time and each and every one of us did yoga with the kiddo. Always a good time and an interesting gamble as to whether or not someone unexpected will open the door to see the downward dog position. 

I ran on the treadmill today. You care, I can feel it. 

My lunch was leftovers. My supper was chicken and brown rice, carrots, celery and hummus. Roasted red pepper hummus will always be my fav, but the spinach artichoke Wayne grabbed wasn't too bad either. 

That's the day in a nutshell.

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