Thursday, March 13, 2014

11 of 24

Alright, let's get right to it.....stepped on the scale this morning.... I know you are just dying to know what I lost.....

Turns out on day 11 you add additional times you have to take supplements and contrary to Nikki's warning and exemplary role modeling, I still forgot to take them 30 minutes before lunch. That's the only time I forgot. 

Wayne was so courteous and JUMPED on my poor sleeping body this morning to wake me up before he left for school. Jackass. I'm sure I told him as much. He got a kick out of himself. I did get up and run. It was day 3 of my C25K and it really kicked my butt, as with day 3 of anything will do. 

After my run I had a Spark then some over easy eggs with toast. The simple joy a piece of bread can bring your tastebuds. It wasn't even a kind of bread I normally like. 

For lunch I made a HUGE oops. I made chili. It was amazing, so I ate my entire bowl. That was the mistake. It was too much. My stomach again hurt so bad. I actually WANTED to throw up. Don't worry, I'm not that person, I didn't. But I'm sure I would have felt better. I wasn't even hungry again for supper. At 7pm we made some popcorn...I do think we could live off of it. 

The rest of my day consisted of laundry, laundry, laundry. 

I also got my hair done by Luke 3 times and Jake once. That was it. Exciting. 

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