Sunday, March 16, 2014

Saturday & Sunday Sabotage!!!

Sorry for the missing post yesterday. You didn’t miss much, I CHEATED CHEATED CHEATED and CHETED SOME MORE!!!!

The day started with hustling to get out the door to weigh ins in Sturgis for Regional Wrestling. I made a Spark and grabbed all my packs of supplements, which come in a nice strip, so it wasn’t hard.

I took the 30 minute before breakfast pack on the way there. When we got there and set up and weighed in we were faced with choices…eat what we had packed for lunch for breakfast, leave and find somewhere halfway Max Phase friendly, or eat whatever the tournament was serving for breakfast.

For time and ease we decided to eat what the concessions had. It was donuts or biscuits and gravy. Wayne and I split a plate of B&G. ¾ boys got a donut and Andy had part of some B&G then Jake ate part of it, then eventually we actually threw some of it away!

By the way, Andy was over 3 pounds down from last Saturday just by what kind of meals we prepared and the fact we didn’t allow him seconds, even on meat, which we usually let him have more of. Him not being able to finish his B&G was a sign that he too is adjusting to smaller portions and better food choices. WIN!!!!

So….. that stuff felt thick on my bones. We had a late morning snack of veggies and humus and peanutbutter. The boys had some yogurt and string cheese and grandma brought them mm’s and fruit snacks. They get to eat something substancial after weigh ins, then a small bit of (usually NOT junk food- Grandma!! –prerogative) something after each match.

We got out of the tournament around 1:30pm and headed to one of the semi-non-fast food places in Sturgis…..Pizza Ranch. We chose it knowing there would be a salad bar. There was. It was yummy. Wayne and I both took large salads and a little fruit/veggies. BUT…then I cheated again….. I had a small slice of Buffalo Pizza, a cheese stick
dipped in marinara AND ranch and a ½ a cup of mashed potatoes with gravy. YUM!!!!! I may have been the only one who stopped there though. The rest got dessert. That was where I refrained….yay me!

I did burn a few calories throughout the day walking around the track, walking the stairs toting a toddler, a few other things. Probably nowhere close to what I took in at Pizza Ranch.

For supper we had…..wait for it, I know you’ll be surprised…..POPCORN! …..and then I CHEATED AGAIN…. And a spoonful of peanutbutter pie, a spoonful of peanutbutter, and a spoonful of ground burger. I was hungry.

I remembered all my supplements Saturday though.

SUNDAY 3/16  Day 14 of 24

This morning I was sooooo tired. I think I might have a sinus infection. Sickness strikes again before spring. I slept in until Wayne had breakfast ready around 8:30!!!! I didn’t take my 30 minute before breakfast. My scrambled egg and cheese bowl was incredible though.
After breakfast I finished cleaning Luke’s room and rearranging the furniture, putting the clothes away, sorting the toys, all of it.  I forgot to take a before picture, but here’s after…..

Lunch was all the veggies from last time’s Bountiful Basket that were going to rot soon, and some from this week’s basket….

Cabbage, spaghetti squash, carrots, celery, broccoli, and beef.

I topped it with balsamic vinegar. I could have done less of that. It was alright, but I prefer no broccoli and something about the spaghetti squash being in there made it a little off to me. I absolutely love when it’s carrots, celery and cabbage with beef, you wouldn’t think adding two more veggies would be so different?? I ate about half of it and took my supplements. Forgot the 30 before again though.

After lunch I worked on that laundry some more and started on this room….

Also known as Zach’s lair. I got all the clothes put away and started sorting the toys. Problem is there’s a large pile in there that really should go to my classroom but I never have enough hands for that. I also would like one more tall bookshelf to finish off a “wall” between his room and the bathroom. The basement is unfinished, which has never stopped me from utilizing it how I see fit. Currently there are 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, a playroom, a small storage room, a large living room and my “office” area (AKA Kandi’s Craft Kingdom) behind the living room setup. That entire area used to be my Lil’ Broncs Learning Center and the playroom area was the living room. It still isn’t completely set up in the playroom due to “The Flood”. My goal is to downsize again and make a better system by the end of this summer.

I was starved by supper and really wanted this:

Which was what Nikki was making for supper. Some type of glazed wings. What I got was this:

A bowl of leftover chili and one last tiny slice of Peanutbutter Pie to finish it off.  The chili was good though.

I read the boys St. Patty’s day books as tradition and we made this year’s Leprechaun Traps….

The Leprechaun leaves little notes & trinkets
@ our house & big messes.

Then we watched Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2. I really wanted to make popcorn, but I didn’t. Instead after getting the boys in bed and finding St. Patty’s attire, I had a stalk of celery with roasted red pepper hummus and the last bite I dipped in peanutbutter.

I am really battling hunger today. I can’t decide if it’s hormonal or if it’s because there is a roast for tomorrow’s supper in the crockpot (I KNOW!!! I argued we needed to do a traditional Irish Dish, but the answer I got was “This is an Irish Roast”). When there’s food in the crockpot and I continually smell it, I’m continually hungry. Whatever it be….I feel ravenous.

Tomorrow Nikki & I plan to get in a run TOGETHER OUTSIDE before this:  

Wish us Luck!!!!

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