Monday, March 17, 2014

15 of 24

Happy St. Patty's Day!!!!

This is another day I was really afraid of cheating but after Saturday I really wanted to get back on track so I can see some true results on day 24. I started the morning great. I didn't get up in time to run, I could barely open my eyes after not being able to fall asleep last night (SUNDAY NIGHT FEELING) and some lingering sinus issues. I was planning to run with Nikki after school anyway so I wasn't too worried. I had my Spark and my pre-breakfast supplements 30 minutes before some eggs.

We were all up, dressed in green and ready to go by 10 after 7.....except Lost Little Lukie Lynn. He took an additional 8 minutes!!!! UGGGGH! He heard about it. I feel bad but SERIOUSLY!?!?!

Mid morning there were treats everywhere, in every lounge, staring me down and giving me puppy eyes. I took a bite of a green pecan chocolate chip muffin, a bite of a mint brownie and 2 bites of chocolate covered spicy cheetos. Grrrrrrrrrr. For SHAME.

For lunch I had 15 almonds, 2 whole carrots with hummus, and one of those chicken wings of Nikki's. YUM!!! That's on next month's menu for sure!

At 1:30 I did yoga for the first time since last Tuesday. It felt great!

After, my stomach began to growl and I ate a dozen more almonds. Wish I wouldn't have. I felt it when I ran afterward. 

To say the least, I was a bit festive today....

Maybe it was the impending blizzard....

At 3:30 Nikki and I headed off to do week two days 1&or2 of the C25K. Wouldn't you know this storm decided to drench us for the first 10 minutes of our run. Having a running buddy and being outside improved my pace and mile by 2 minutes (which is still about 2
minutes slower than my competitive walking pace, but I'll get there!) The sun was back out after we finished our 2.1 miles. As of right now there is a ferocious wind and sleet hitting the northwest wall of my house and bedroom window. 

Back to our run....My immense amount of snot in my head and chest right now had me huffing and puffing something fierce, then wouldn't you know, there's a constant incline in this town!! I SWEAR we ran up hill the ENTIRE WAY!!! Before we rounded 12th street off of Grant, I seriously felt like I was running in place with weights UNDER my shoes. Lifting them was begrudging. I'm not sure how much I slowed Nikki's pace, but I am grateful for the company, the push and the refreshment of the outdoors. 

As you might recall, Wayne put in a roast and called it an "Irish Roast". I decided I wanted to make this true and make a true Irish meal of it. I would have loved to have done Corned Beef or corned beef hash, but it is far too salty for the cleanse and I really need to suck it up. So, I adapted the recipe to fit my needs. The roast I sliced and made a beef gravy by adding cornstarch to some of the roast broth. Normally I would also put beef broth in, I shredded it and made beef sandwich sliders. I put a dash of Sweet Baby Ray's in, but again, SO. MUCH. SALT. so a dash was it. 

Here is a link to the original recipe I would have used....

Traditional Irish Meal:

I still wanted something truly traditional Irish so I decided to make this recipe, half it, and omit the salt...

Calcannon Recipe:

Only this fell through as well since I had forgotten, Wayne used up the last of the cabbage. So instead I made kale chips. YUM. The Littles didn't like them too well, but Andy couldn't get enough and Wayne commended them. 

The boys and Wayne went to their last wrestling practice and I attempted to clean up some more laundry, leprechaun traps, sweep, clean the kitchen, round up lunches (Wayne ended up doing), and wrestling a very terrible almost two-year-old out of multiple endeavors. He pooped some very festive BRIGHT GREEN gooey  and very SMELLY poop which he decided to reach back into his diaper and check to make sure that was in fact what it was. When it came out almost frosting colored, I seen the hand making it's way toward the mouth just in time!!!! I'm a veteran at this one, one of his brothers had a very close call with a different shade of green poo
straight from the diaper that matched the frosting on the cake at the birthday party we were currently at. He didn't get his in his mouth either. Has none else suffered this same scenario???????

That was the entirety of my day. Listening to this storm roll in and wondering if I skip from Little House on the Prairie to The Long Winter, will it matter the gap? Will we finish it before the last snow? Sounds like a challenge to me!!!!

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