Monday, March 3, 2014

Day 1 of 24 of The Challenge...

This morning I woke up ready to tackle this challenge. I stepped on the scale, took a picture of it, did the frontal and profile bare belly and athletic clothed shots (eventually you will see it all), and opened the boxes of my Advocare products.

I downed my favorite thus far, the Spark energy drink, then 30 minutes later the fiber drink. had been a while since my last straight up fiber drink and I was quickly brought back to that sheer moment of it going to stay down??? 

It stayed down. I drank 8 more ounces of water in a hurry to wash it deep deep down. By now I wasn't hungry any more. It is true that within 24 minutes you can feel it working. Wayne had made me these awesome looking scrambled eggs with Mrs. Dash's Garlic Herb seasoning (one of the few low sodium seasonings out there) but I could do no more than one bite, so I put them in a tupperware and packed them in my school bag for later. 

I made an oops.... I took 3 bites of whole grain bread before rereading and deciding that was a no no until after the cleanse phase...ooops!! My only oops of the day.... that I am aware of. 

Around 9:30 I ate my eggs and had more water. My goal water consumption for the day is 92 ounces. TOTALLY aced that goal plus some!! Mainly in the form of unsweetened iced tea, I will admit. It counts. 

I was still hungry so I had 15 raw almonds.... yes I counted them. Then savored every crunchy, delicious bite. 

I did not eat the still thawing frozen's well below zero in my garage it turns out.

At 1pm I was finally able to sit down and eat my lunch. Today I packed a salad of romain and bok choy with leaks, garbonzo beans, cashews and Light Italian (no creamy cesar may be the death of me right there!) and a salmon pouch. Those puppies are 2.5 servings per pouch, so I took a third of it for my salad. I also had half a cup-ish of fresh pineapple and blackberries. The meal was great, but I will admit, I love me some HOT lunch, so having an entirely cold lunch wasn't 100% satisfying. Tomorrow I will have supper leftovers to warm up. 

At 3:30 pm when the boys got off the bus and begged for snack, we each took a handful of unsalted cashews to munch on......YUM! Each and eery one of us could take out an entire can in one setting if we weren't careful and if they weren't so darn pricey!!!

We made do with the handful.

At 5pm we sat down to supper. After a slight change of meal plan when suddenly it was pointed out that it is a wrestling night.... we had chicken veggie stir "fry" with brown rice. I hope the rice was okay for the cleanse phase, I'm still trying to figure out which complex carbs are okay for this phase. We also had (another) salad of romain, bok chou, leaks, garbonzo beans, cashew and this time pomegranate vinegar instead of Italian.... YUM!!! And 3 strawberries each for dessert, because that's how far a clamshell goes for a family of 6. 

The recipe was super simple and super quick, less than 20 minutes!


EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil)
Chicken, cubed   I used canned chicken (2), low fat or light or whatever it was. 
2 cups brown rice
4 cups low sodium, low fat chicken broth
half a bag of frozen mixed veggies
1 TBSP of tomato sauce
1 TBSP of chili powder
1 TBSP of Mrs. Dash Garlic & Herb seasoning


Sautee the chicken and seasonings in oil for 2 minutes. Add rice, tomato sauce and broth slowly. stir well. Add veggies. Cover and simmer 20 minutes. Serve. That's it!!!

Wayne topped his with tobasco and salsa, I just gave mine a dash of tobacco which was complimented well by the vinegar on the salad. 

The entire meal was delicious and filling. I took the Omega capsule with my meal and drank....more water/tea.

At bedtime I took the Herbal something or another packet of supplements as instructed. Now that I am in my bed typing this, I feel hungry, but the only way I will get out of this bed is if I am running to the toilet.....which with all the water/tea I have taken in, that has been my almost hourly ritual. 

Day 1..... handled. I got this!!!! 

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