Saturday, March 8, 2014

6 of 24

Today we woke up before the @ss crack of dawn to go to District Wrestling a little over an hour away.

I had waited until after day 5 to weigh myself. I usually step on the scale every morning, but with the cleanse, I didn't want to watch any fluctuation and I wanted to see results so I waited.


I won't step on the scale again until after day 10. My goal is 14 more pounds by day 24's completion, which is really pushing it I think, so we'll see how close I get. The 5 pounds gone is very noticeable in the comfort level of my jeans and dress pants as well as how shirts hang around my mid section when I look in the mirror. Not going to lie, it's awesome!!

One thing about waking up at 5 instead of 6, I was starved by 9 am. Throwing off your schedule just a little makes such a difference in your blood sugar and your metabolism.

I really did not intake a large quantity of food today. I also sat in bleachers or the car for a large chunk  (9 hours) of the day. Don't get me wrong, carrying a 20 pound toddler up to the top numerous times was quite a workout, but I'm not sure it cancels out a day on my rear.

I ate a stalk of celery half with hummus and half with peanut butter at lunch. I also had some cashews and around 5 almonds at 9am and 2 strawberries at lunch. That was it, I just didn't feel like eating.

Around 5pm we had modified swiss steak and baked red potatoes. For the swiss steak I usually bread cube steak in flour and brown it before putting it in the crock pot or a baking dish and smothering it in tomato juice or sauce and water and adding peppers, onions and diced tomatoes. Today I did not brown the cube steak, I used home canned tomato halves (lower salt, if any), water and only a small amount (.25-.5 cup) of tomato sauce. The sodium seems to be where I have noticed I am unprepared. Many products or ingredients in recipes are dowsed in sodium!!

I may bunch days 7-11 together and 12-16 and 17-24.....why that combination you may ask? Because that is when I plan to weigh in, every 5 days. I will try to include New meals we ate and anything awesome. I don't think you need all 24 days, and honestly I am running out of eCards, which is highly disappointed because I was under the impression there was an eCard for everything!!??!!

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